Where on Google Earth #225

A post by Anne JeffersonHaving identified the location of the spectacular alluvial fan tucked into Iran’s Zagros Mountains to win Where on Google Earth #224, it’s now my turn to host this roving geo-nerdy contest.

For those that haven’t played before, here’s a quick overview of the rules. First one to correctly identify the latitude and longitude of the center of the image AND say something about what makes this area geologically interesting…wins. The prize is getting to pick the next WoGE location and hosting it on your blog or picking a geoblogger to host it for you. If you’ve won WoGE in the past, you have to wait one hour before submitting your answer for each of your previous wins (the Schott Rule). If you don’t remember how many times you’ve won, you can look at Ron Schott’s kmz file.

Where on Google Earth #225

Where on Google Earth #225

Posting time is 10:50 pm, US Eastern Standard Time.

Categories: by Anne, geopuzzling

Written in Stone: the interview

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonTo accompany our review of Written in Stone, a couple of weeks ago Anne and I sat down with its author, our good friend and fellow blogger Brian Switek, for what turned into a fascinating discussion of his book, the process of writing it, and the ongoing revolution in palaeontology that he so expertly describes. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we talked for almost an hour, but fortunately for the listener, for most of that we were happy to sit back and let Brian demonstrate the amazing depth and breadth of his palaeontological knowledge.

Highly Allochthonous interviews Brian Switek

Notes: This discussion was a Skype conference call, and although the audio is perfectly useable (and, well, audible), the connection was not always perfect. I certainly come out as a bit quiet for some reason. The other books that Brian suggests for further reading towards the end of the interview are:

Categories: fossils, public science, reviews

Book Review: Written in Stone by Brian Switek

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonPalaeoblogger extraordinaire Brian Switek has often expressed frustration at the fact that many recent popularisers of evolution have a habit of downplaying the importance of the fossil record in studies of evolution. However, when reading the opening chapters of Written in Stone, Brian’s thoughtful and engaging attempt to bring fossils back to the center of evolutionary theory, you can’t help but wonder if, to a certain extent, palaeontology marginalised itself. When Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, palaeontologists did not exactly welcome his vision of life’s gradual evolution by natural selection with open arms. Some of the general scepticism was at least partly fuelled by a conflict with their religious beliefs; Richard Owen and Charles Lyell were notable examples of this. But it can’t have helped matters that Darwin went out of his way to point out the imperfections of the fossil record, the focus of their lives’ work. Darwin’s vision matched up in a broad sense to the narrative of life’s history written down in the geological record, but at the level of individual species, the gradual transitions expected if natural selection were at work were not so readily apparent. Darwin argued that what were at first glance geologically rapid disappearances of old species, and relatively abrupt emergence of new ones, was more a reflection of the incompleteness of the rock record than of what was actually occurring during these transitions.

It is certainly true that the geological record is fundamentally patchy. A large amount of the time recorded by even the most rapidly deposited sedimentary rock is marked by periods of non-deposition, or even erosion. But perhaps palaeontologists would have been less defensive if Darwin had placed more emphasis on the fossil record being incomplete in another sense. Geology was still a fairly young science, which meant that the types and ages of the rocks in many areas, particularly outside of Europe, remained very poorly known. If such basic geological facts were lacking, some of the gaps in the fossil record could potentially be filled, by the many new fossil forms that were undoubtedly hiding in these uncharted sequences, waiting to be discovered. In Written in Stone, Brian expertly describes how over the last century and the half, new discoveries have indeed filled in the details of some of the most important transitions in the fossil record: how the descendents of a group of Devonian fish became land-dwelling tetrapods; how the distant ancestors of mammals were the first terrestrial vertebrates to flourish, before giving way to the dinosaurs in the aftermath of the Permian extinction; how the end-Cretaceous extinction allowed what had now become mammals to flourish again, with some of them (whales and dolphins) returning to the ocean once more. It describes our growing understanding of the dinosaurian ancestry of birds – including the fact that feathers long predated the evolution of flight – and our species’ own messy emergence from a tangled family tree of fossil hominids.

Indeed, one of the important messages of this book – and through it, the fossil record – is that evolution is messy. There is no linear ‘March of Progress’, with a simple succession of related forms linking the old lineage with the new. Instead, a radiation event produces a bewildering array of evolutionary brothers, sisters, and cousins, all living at the same time. Natural selection then gradually prunes away at this diverse family tree until only a few isolated branches are left to carry on alone. The chapters on horses and mammoths are particularly effective in communicating this more nuanced view of evolution, which is vital for properly understanding our own recent evolutionary history.

But this is not the only area where Brian cleverly paints a more messy, yet accurate, scientific picture for the reader. The scientific process itself also suffers from being viewed through the lens of the ‘March of Progress’ – as nothing but a line of successful discoveries sequentially building on each other over time. Those of us who practice science know that this is a long way from the truth: any scientific step forward is usually preceded by several steps back and sideways, and a great deal of arguing over the map. Each of the chapters in Written in Stone not only describes an evolutionary transition, but also how our understanding of that transition has itself evolved over the past 150 years, as new discoveries have rewritten what we thought we knew. There is often an interesting sense of acceleration: as palaeontology has matured, it has got to the stage where the act of discovering a new fossil simply provides a target for a bewildering array of new analytical techniques that can begin to unravel its secrets. But the reader also gets a compelling narrative of the scientific mis-steps, the dead ends, the characters and egos that have, in turn, driven palaeontology forward, sent it off course, or even blocked it.

Written in Stone is a true treasure trove; everyone who reads it will learn a great deal about the fossil record and palaeontology. Yet almost as valuable is the fact that Brian has not just revealed evolution in all its untidy glory, but the scientific process itself.

Categories: deep time, fossils, public science, reviews

Final hours to win “Written in Stone” by giving to our DonorsChoose challenge

A post by Anne JeffersonOur month-long drive to raise funds for earth science education through DonorsChoose is rapidly winding down. You need to give by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 9th for your donation to be counted towards HP’s doubling match and to be eligible to win our prize.

We’re giving away a rare review copy of Brian Switek’s forthcoming book “Written in Stone,”, which is already garner lots of praise from scientists, writers, and bloggers. Look for our review of the book here later this week (really), as well as an interview with Brian, but let us just say in advance that it is excellent in every respect – lots of cool science and very, very well written. Anyone who donates through our challenge page by November 9th will be automatically entered to win the book, and I’ll notify you by email if you are the winner of the random drawing. So if you’ve been putting off contributing to earth science education, do so no longer. And if you’ve already given, you are already entered, but please give more as you are so moved.

So far we have raised almost $1200 for earth science education. But this generous support has come from just 17 people. I suspect we have a few more readers than that. As an added incentive to donate, for each new donor that gives to the challenge before noon eastern time on Tuesday, I’ll make another $10 contribution on top of what I’ve already given.

As the final hours wind down on this year’s challenge, it seems fitting to highlight some projects to which your fellow readers have given, but which have not yet been fully funded.

In addition to those projects for which your friends have already advocated, here are a couple of other projects that are close to their funding goals.

To summarize:

The challenge ends on Tuesday.
You can win a copy of Written in Stone before it hits bookstore shelves.
HP doubles all of your donations and lets you choose which projects to fund.
New donors get me to give $10 each.
Lots of great kids are still waiting for our help.
Let’s get to work.

Categories: by Anne, science education

Chris’s brain gets drained

A post by Chris RowanYou may have noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front in recent weeks. The fact is, I’ve been a little busy in the real world. The funding for my project in Edinburgh ended at the end of October, so I’ve been rather busy in the lab trying to get all of my samples from Oman properly measured. I’ve also been preparing for the fact that this weekend, I am moving from here:

Edinburgh viewed from Salisbury Crags

Photo: Chris Rowan, 2009

to here:

Chicago Skyline

That’s right: I’m moving to the University of Chicago to start post-doc number three, on continent number three. I never realised when I chose the name for my blog, that my own career trajectory would be so… Highly Allochthonous.

My exodus occurs at a rather interesting (in far from the positive sense of the word) time for the academic sector in the UK: whilst the efforts of the Science is Vital campaign, marshalled with vigour by concerned science-types like Jenny Rohn helped to prevent basic research funding being sacrificed at the deficit altar in the recent Comprehensive Spending Review, that same review trimmed the teaching budget for Universities by 40%. For an early career scientist like me, who is unable to directly apply for many grants in the absence of a university staff position, that is not a comforting thing to see. And the fact is, although my PhD was funded by the UK’s Natural Environmental Research Council, my scientific career since then has been entirely funded by other countries. My sojourn in Johannesburg was funded by the university there and the South African National Research Foundation; my salary in Edinburgh was paid by European research funds (in fairness, the UK government must have provided some of the cash). And as I move abroad again, it’s with the knowledge that the only other potential job on the table for me at this moment was also in another country.

Still, even if I am to a certain extent moving to where the work is (and, conversely, away from where it isn’t), necessity is only a minor motivation. I’m excited about this move, the project and people I’m going to work for, and – last week’s regrettable lurch towards the crazy realms of the political spectrum notwithstanding – the chance to live and work in the US. Once things have settled down a little, I’m also looking forward to getting back to blogging more regularly, which will include writing about the new project, and probably reworking the odd ‘British person being confused by America’ cliche to death.

Wish me luck!

Categories: academic life, ranting