Geobloggers – why do you blog?

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonFor geology bloggers, one of the most interesting, and encouraging, things about 2010 was that two big geological organisations – the Geological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union – have started to grasp, and exploit, the potential of blogging and social media for science outreach and communication. Both are active on Twitter (GSA, AGU); the GSA has a group/guest blog, Speaking of Geoscience; and the AGU recently launched its own blog network. This recognition is an important step in encouraging wider acceptance of blogging in the geological community, and will hopefully encourage further growth of the geoblogosphere in the future.

In a further encouraging step, the AGU is holding a blogging workshop at next week’s 2010 Meeting in San Francisco. From the AGU meeting website:

Writing a science blog can help you spread the word widely about your research, engage those who share your scientific interests, enhance your ability to communicate about science you care about, and more. But a blog can also become a time sink, expose you to criticism, and otherwise spell trouble unless some simple cautions and good practices are followed. Learn why and how to successfully blog and use social media to create community —without the pitfalls— from a panel of experienced bloggers from academia, government, and the private sector.

If you look at the list of panelists, you’ll see that both of your friendly Highly Allochthonous bloggers are going to be there, as well as Brian Romans, Erik Klemetti, Jessica Ball, and Cian Dawson.

Our part of the discussion will explore how a blog is a tool that can be used in several distinct ways, and address a range of difference audiences depending on one’s particular goals and preferences. Your goals could be public outreach, for yourself or your organisation; promoting discussions amongst peers, either in your lab group or the wider world; personal development of your writing and teaching skills.

One important facet of this is that your goals and strategy may vary depending on your career status. A grad student or post-doc might be looking to engage with a different audience than a more senior faculty member, or someone who works in government or industry. This seemed like an area where some actual data would be useful, so Anne has put together a brief online poll to get some idea of why people blog. It’s only one question, and we invite anyone who blogs about subjects relevant to the AGU to take part.


Another thing we think we’d like to touch on is how your aims, your strategy, and your audience, may evolve (or co-evolve) with time. For example, Chris started Highly Allochthonous to develop his writing skills; but as he gradually built an audience and achieved quasi-stable employment in research, the outreach and peer interaction became far more important to him. We wonder if other people have seen their goals change over time? If so, perhaps you could discuss how in the comments. Hopefully some readers will also be able to join what looks to be an interesting discussion in San Francisco next Thursday afternoon.

Categories: bloggery, public science, science education

Stuff we linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne Jefferson

Arsenic bacteria

The big story of the week – and for not always the right reasons







General Geology

Interesting Miscellaney

Categories: links

Small rocky exoplanets galore

A post by Chris RowanResearchBlogging.orgThis week, rather excitable speculations about a NASA press conference were somewhat punctured when in turned out to be about the discovery of some exotic, but determinedly terrestrial, Californian lake bacteria that incorporate arsenic instead of phosphorous into their cell structures if we force them. Ed Yong provides a great write up, and other people discuss how a PR mistep (note to NASA: in the future, do not refer to stuff you find on this planet as ‘astrobiological discoveries’) and the determined maintenance of the Science embargo allowed speculation the flourish in the absence of people in the know being allowed to say what the research was actually about.

It’s certainly fascinating to read about the latest unexpected biochemical trick that bacteria are capable of, and it does once more demonstrate our ignorance of the true biochemical range in which life-like processes can occur. However, beyond the broad cautionary point that we need to moderate our Earth-centrism when looking beyond it, I struggle to see more than a tenuous link to the search for extraterrestrial life. But it did remind me of another Science paper that came out about a month ago, which doesn’t talk about extra-terrestrial life per se, but does present some promising data regarding the abundance of potential homes for it.

In the study, UC Berkeley astronomer Andrew Howard and his co-authors looked for planets around a pre-selected group of 166 stars with similar masses and temperatures to the Sun (yellow G- and orange K-types). Planets were identified by looking for slight deviations in a star’s motion towards or away from the earth due to the gravitational pull of an orbiting body (to date, this radial velocity technique has been the most successful way of finding exoplanets). The team found 33 planets around 22 of the stars, but in this paper they concentrate on the 16 of these that have an orbital period of less than 50 days. Their Figure 2 below shows the range of masses that these planets are calculated to have, ranging from ‘Super-Earths’ with between 3 and 10 times the mass of our own planet, to planets larger than Jupiter (which is about 300 times the mass of the Earth). The plot also includes ‘candidate’ and ‘missed’ planets’. The former are probable planet detections which still need further observations to rigorously confirm. The latter is an attempt to account for the fact that the lower mass planets are approaching the current detection limits for the radial velocity technique, and the data collected from some of the stars surveyed are not yet sufficient to confirm or deny their presence. The number of ‘missed’ planets is extrapolated from the rate of detections from stars where the observations are sufficient to find them or rule them out.

Mass-frequency distribution of exoplanets with an orbital period of less than 50 days identified by Howard et al.

(note: there is some discrepancy in the numbers of planets given at various points in this paper. The text and another less easy to interpret figure indicate 16 confirmed planets with an orbital period of less than 50 days, whilst there are only 15 in this figure – the missing one is in either the 3-10 or the 10-30 Earth mass bins. Likewise, a 4th candidate planet in the 3-10 Earth mass bin is missing from this plot)

What these data appear to show is that within the same orbital range, there are more low mass planets than high mass ones – possibly a lot more. This trend is apparent even if we just restrict ourselves to looking at the firm detections; the candidate and missed planets just strengthen it. This is very promising, but two key questions remain. Firstly, does this trend continue into lower mass ranges – Earth-like mass ranges? If it does, the authors calculate there a planet with between 1 and 3 Earth masses, and an orbital period of less than 50 days, will be found around 1 in 4 of these types of star. The second question is, does this relationship hold true in longer orbits – say, orbital periods of a few hundred days? Although there is no data from the lower end of the mass range, the authors argue that more smaller, Neptune mass exoplanets have been found in wider orbits than bigger, Jupiter mass ones, which suggests, but does not confirm, that there are more low-mass planets in these realms too. Extrapolating further, the authors claim that there is about a 1 in 6 chance that a sun-like star has a 1-3 Earth mass planet in some orbit around it.

Projecting from known data into the unknown regions we’re actually interested in is a risky business, so all of this is still very tentative. Fortunately, in the next few years there will be actual data from Kepler and Corot to compare these projections against. However, these results raise the tantalising possibility that there may be a lot of Earth-mass rocky planets orbiting other stars. Who knows, some of them may even turn out to be home to arsenic-based microbes.

Howard, A., Marcy, G., Johnson, J., Fischer, D., Wright, J., Isaacson, H., Valenti, J., Anderson, J., Lin, D., & Ida, S. (2010). The Occurrence and Mass Distribution of Close-in Super-Earths, Neptunes, and Jupiters Science, 330 (6004), 653-655 DOI: 10.1126/science.1194854

Categories: paper reviews, planets

The flat of the land

A post by Chris RowanIt turns out that, by US standards at least, I’m quite close to the Driftless Area that Anne posted about earlier this week. But unlike that corner of Minnesota, Illinois is whatever the opposite of ‘driftless’ is: it was covered by ice 20,000 years ago, and was blanketed with a thick layer of sediment released from that ice as it melted over the next 10,000 years or so. Because sediment tends to fill in all the low bits of the landscape first, the end result of this inundation is unlikely to inspire people to break out their rock climbing gear (there is, of course, some topography in the form of the Great Lakes, which have been filled in by water rather than sediment).

Illinois, looking NE towards Lake Michigan and Chicago.

This is hardly the first time that I’ve found myself living in an area with a distinct lack of inspiring topography. For the first 21 years of my life, I lived in East Anglia, a region of the UK whose maps are well known for marking hills scarcely worthy of the name.

Northern Essex and Suffolk, looking NW.

East Anglia is flat for the same reason Illinois is flat – it is covered in gravels, sands, and muds laid down by melting ice sheets – although in Southern England most of this drift was deposited a few glacial cycles before the last one.

I studied for my PhD in Southampton, on the south coast of England. Hampshire is not quite as flat as East Anglia, but it’s still only mildly hilly.

Southampton, the Solent and the Isle of Wight (right). Looking ENE.

However, the flatness here is nothing to do with glacial deposits; bedrock is at or close to the surface over much of the region. However, that bedrock is mainly chalk, with some clays. With these weak and crumbly rocks underfoot, you’re never going to get topography more dramatic than the rolling hills of the Downs.

After Southampton, I moved a bit further afield, to Johannesburg. The quartzite ridges of the gold-bearing Witwatersrand Formation aside, the amount of relief is surprisingly low when you consider you’re at an altitude of 1750 m, and situated mostly on hard, old granites, volcanics, and sandstones. But these hard, old rocks have sat there for hundreds of millions of years, having most of their rough topographic edges smoothed off by hundreds of million years of erosion (the high elevation is a more recent development, a result of hot upwelling mantle beneath the African continent). The flatness here is not due to recent sedimentation, or lithology, but time.

Johannesburg, looking NW.

Geologists like mountains. I’ve often grumbled about how, with the honourable exception of Edinburgh, I’ve often ended up living a long way away from any peaks; and, by implication, the cool geology. It’s not true, of course. But I haven’t really considered before how just as there are many ways that a landscape can end up being pointy, there are several ways that it can end up being flat.

Categories: geology, geomorphology