A new blog at All-geo: Volcan01010

A post by Chris RowanI’m very pleased to announce a new blog here at All-geo. Volcan01010 is written by volcanologist John Stevenson, a compatriot from my undergraduate days. You might recall his excellent posts during last years’ eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, which provided expert commentary on Icelandic volcanism and subglacial eruptions.

In his inaugural post on Volcan01010, John looks at the prospects for future eruptions in Iceland blowing disruptive volcanic ash clouds into European airspace, concluding that this probably isn’t the last time we’ll see it in our lifetimes.

…the take-home message is that this is not just a once-in-a-millenium, or even a once-per-century event. Consequently, it is something that we should be planning for and working hard to understand.

Please click over for the full details, and to welcome John to the geoblogosphere. As for the name of his blog, I obviously appreciate its tongue- and keyboard-twisting nature, but it also reflects John’s research interests – volcanoes (particularly Icelandic ones) and the computing tools that are becoming increasingly important to scientists for analysing, tracking and predicting volcanic activity. I’m looking forward to reading more about both in future posts.

Categories: bloggery, links, volcanoes

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