Scenic Saturday: Lyme Regis

Cliffs west of Lyme Regis where Mary Anning collected her fossils

Cliffs west of Lyme Regis, Dorset. August 2011.

A post by Anne Jefferson
Two-hundred years ago, a young woman by the name of Mary Anning walked along this shore, using her keenly self-trained observation skills to spot fossils eroding out of these cliffs. The cliffs are the blue Lias, Jurassic mudstones filled with ammonites, belemnites, icthyosaurs, and plesiosaurs. Mary Anning found and prepared her first ichthyosaur in 1811, when she was just 12 years old. Later she found the first plesiosaur.

Anning's first ichthyosaur

Mary Anning's first ichthyosaur, part of the collections of the Natural History Museum in London, and now on display at the Lyme Regis museum to honor the bicentennary of its discovery. August 2011.

As a woman, Mary Anning was kept out of formal scientific circles, and as a poor woman she was doubly excluded, because she couldn’t even claim to be a gentlewoman hobbyist. Instead she earned money by finding, preparing, and selling her fossils, become a valuable source for leading scientists and collectors of her day. Many of these discoveries and preparations were not properly credited to her at the time, but today she is recognized as a leading figure in paleontology for her collecting and descriptive skills.

If you go to Lyme Regis now, as I did this summer, you can explore a lovely chock-full museum on the very site where Anning’s house stood along the sea wall. Later, when the weather cooperates a bit more, you can walk along the same shoreline, and see if you have the skill or luck to make a discovery as Mary Anning did.

As the cliffs frequently have landslips and are battered by the sea, the process of erosion is continually exposing new fossils. Several ichthyosaurs have been found in the past few years, including one exposed when the town was repairing the seawall in front of the amusement arcade. I was told, however, that the best time to make a vertebrate discovery is just after a big storm when the newly eroded material is fresh and the serious collectors are out looking.

On any day whatsoever, a stroll along the cobbly beach at the base of the cliffs will reward with countless ammonites and belemnites. At first I exclaimed over the small ammonites, especially the ones with exquisitely preserved details.

Ammonite near Lyme Regis

Ammonite near Lyme Regis. August 2011.

Then I started to see the “ammonite pavements”…

Ammonite pavement

Ammonite pavement. August 2011.

Finally, I spotted some of the really big ammonites. The one below was my favorite. A young boy had turned over the rock and discovered the fossil, and he and his family were standing around in bewilderment. Collecting is allowed on the beach, but how in the world were they ever going to get that thing home?

Anne with Ammonite

Anne's favorite ammonite. August 2011.

Categories: by Anne, fossils, outcrops, photos

Scenic Saturday: Pinnacle in the Piedmont

Pilot Mountain

Big Pinnacle at Pilot Mountain State Park, North Carolina. May 2009.

A post by Anne JeffersonThe peak of Big Pinnacle at Pilot Mountain State Park rises more than 450 m above the surrounding North Carolina Piedmont. Big Pinnacle is just the most eye-catching of series of peaks, called the Sauratown Mountains, that are a tectonic window through thrust sheets from the Alleghaninan orogeny. You can see some of the other peaks in the background of the photo above – and how the whole thing is a big anticline.

B admires some more rocks.

Light colored quartzite forms vertical cliffs at Pilot Mountain State Park, North Carolina. May 2009.

The vertical sides of the Big Pinnacle are a result of the erosion-resistance of very pure quartzite, that originated as beach sand about 540 million years ago. A bit lower in the stratigraphic column, there’s also some mica schist, and where the two are exposed next to each other, they make a cool contrast. The small folds in the schist mimic the shape and orientation of the big anticline.

Cool patterns in the rock.

Light colored quartzite and darker, folded schist at Pilot Mountain State Park, North Carolina. May 2009. Apologies for lack of scale.

Metamorphic rocks, like the ones at Pilot Mountain, have extremely low permeability, because there’s no space between crystals for water to squeeze through. The only way you get any water out of the crystalline rocks of the Piedmont is by drilling into a fracture. On the lower slopes of Pilot Mountain, one of these water-filled fractures reaches the surface and forms a small spring, called “Ledge Spring.” On a hot NC spring day, the spring made a perfect resting spot for some weary hikers, and a thirsty dog, before climbing back up the mountain toward the car that would take us back to much flatter parts of the Piedmont.

The real Ledge Spring

Ledge Spring, near the base of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina. May 2009.

Categories: by Anne, geology, hydrology

One recipe for flooding: Take a tropical cyclone and add steep topography

A post by Anne JeffersonThe past few weeks have brought two tropical cyclones* to the eastern seaboard of the United States. They serve nicely to illustrate the topographic controls on flood generation that we were been talking about in my Fluvial Processes class recently.


From 26-29 August, Hurricane Irene cruised right along the east coast from North Carolina’s Outer Banks to New York City. As it continued northward, its center moved inland, running up through Vermont and into Canada. The highest rainfall recorded during the storm was at Bayboro, North Carolina, where rainfall totals equaled 40 cm (15.74″). That huge amount of rain caused some flooding in the flat and low Coastal Plain, though media attention focused on multiple new inlets carved through the road linking Hatteras Island to the mainland.

Pedestrian bridge with bank failure (photo by Sarah Lewis and used with permission)

Destruction from Irene, near Randolph, Vermont. Note that debris hung up on the bridge railings, indicating how high the waters were. Also, the bridge has been severed from the right bank by erosion outside the bridge abutment. (photo by Sarah Lewis and used with permission)

Farther north, Irene caused heart-wrenching disaster in the upstate New York and Vermont. As rain from Irene dumped onto the steeper hillsides of the Catskills and Green Mountains, small streams turned into torrents, washing away roads, bridges, and buildings. The flooding in Vermont is likely to be its worst disaster since another late-season tropical storm flooded the state – in 1927. But, as the map below shows, Irene dumped only 12 to 18 cm (5-7 inches) of precipitation on Vermont, which is less than half the amount that drenched North Carolina.

Precipitation totals from Hurricane Irene, August 24-30, 2011, based on 3423 stations

Precipitation totals from Hurricane Irene, compiled by the National Weather Service Hydrometeorological Prediction Service

There are couple of key differences between the two locations that explain why Vermont suffered more dramatic flooding than North Carolina.

First, eastern North Carolina was in a pretty bad drought prior to Irene, so there was plenty of unsaturated soil for the water to infiltrate into. In contrast, the first 7 months of 2011 in Vermont were the 6th wettest on record, with precipitation 131% of average. Soils were already very wet and had little capacity to store or detain precipitation produced by Irene.

Second, eastern North Carolina is FLAT, while Vermont is rather more steep. When the intense rains hit the land surface in Vermont, gravity acted to pull the water downslope into streams (and then down the streams) much more efficiently than in North Carolina. Given the same amount of rain over the same area and soils, a steeper landscape is going to produce a larger flood than a flatter landscape. Peak flows were higher in Vermont, and the water had greater stream power to move sediment and wash away roads, culverts, and bridges.

(photo by Sarah Lewis and used with permission) Train tracks suspended in midair

Train tracks hang in mid-air where a culvert blew out from under them, during flooding generated by Irene. Photo near Randolph, Vermont. (photo by Sarah Lewis and used with permission)


Tropical storm Lee made landfall in Louisiana on September 4th, and almost immediately weakened into a tropical depression and then a post-tropical low. But those classifications are based on wind speed, and not water content. In the last week, as Lee has moved northward across the Gulf Coast states and then up and across the Appalachians, it has dumped a huge volume of water across at least 10 states. In this storm, the precipitation bulls-eyes center on Louisiana and Mississippi (where Lee first made landfall) and the Susquehanna River watershed in New York and Pennsylvania. In those areas precipitation totals exceeded 38 cm (15 in).

This NASA image derived from TRMM data shows rainfall totals for the period 31st August to 8th September (via Dave Petley of the The Landslide Blog)

NASA satellite TRMM data showing rainfall totals for 31 August to 8 September (via Dave Petley of the The Landslide Blog)

Lee did generate flooding in Mississippi and Louisiana, and caused four deaths. On the Pearl River at Jackson, Mississippi, where the USGS reported more than 8 inches of precipitation on 4-5 September, the flooding was above flood stage but only on the order of floods seen, on average, once every 2 years.

Along the Susquehanna River, over 100,000 people were ordered to evacuate low-lying neighborhoods in cities like Binghampton (NY), Wilkes-Barre (PA), Harrisburg (PA), and Havre de Grace (MD) as the river was predicted to crest at the second-story level of houses in some neighborhoods. While the flooding appears to have been less bad than predicted in some places, the Susquehanna at Wilkes-Barre set a new record – 6.3 m (20.6 ft) above flood stage. The previous record had been set by Hurricane Agnes in 1972. Wet soils from the rainfall dumped by Irene probably exacerbated the flooding in Pennsylvania.

While both the Gulf Coast and Susquehanna River watershed experienced human-affecting flooding from Lee, a quick comparison of the peak discharge per unit area reveals how much more impressive the flooding on the Susquehanna is from a hydrologic perspective. The Pearl River at Jackson (MS) crested at 929 cubic meters per second, from a drainage area of 8213 square kilometers. The Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre (PA) crested above 9799 cubic meters per second, and the discharge estimates at the very highest water levels haven’t been reported yet. At Wilkes-Barre, the Susquehanna has a drainage area of 25,796 square kilometers. Dividing peak discharge by watershed area, we get a peak unit discharge for the Pearl River of 0.11 m3 s-1 km-2. On the Susquehanna, the value is more than 3 times higher – 0.38 m3 s-1 km-2.

General Principle

In a paper using USGS annual peak streamflow records to look at the geography of big floods in the United States, O’Connor and Costa (2004) describe the phenomenon of tropical storms + topography being the vital constituents of really big floods in the eastern US. They wrote:

“The importance of orographic effects and topographic concentration of streamflow for generating high unit discharges along the Atlantic coast is illustrated by the rarity of high unit discharges in Florida and along the Coastal Plain of the southern and eastern tier States. Despite being closest to the moisture sources and subject to frequent landings of major hurricanes and intense rainfall [Konrad, 2001], these comparatively flat and permeable areas do not produce large unit discharges.”

O'Connor and Costa 2004, Figure 4a, Water Resources Research (image from paper not subject to copyright)

Watersheds with the top ~1% of annual peakflows in 100 years of USGS stream gaging records. (Figure 4a from O'Connor and Costa, 2004, Spatial distribution of the largest rainfall-runoff floods from basins between 2.6 and 26,000 km 2 in the United States and Puerto Rico, Water Resources Research, 40: W01107, doi:10.1029/2003WR002247) (paper not subject to copyright)

While none of the flooding generated by Irene and Lee may break into the ranks of the top 1% of floods shown on the figure above, they conform to the expectation that bigger peak flows occur where there is steep topography rather than where the land is flat. They are also a sobering reminder that the news story is far from over when a tropical storm moves inland from the beach. Inland flooding, like we have been witnessing, is responsible for more than half of the fatalities from tropical storms in the US. I’d be a bit morbidly curious to see a map of those fatalities and see whether they occur along the coasts or up in the hills. Whatever the statistics, this hurricane season has been an impressive reminder that those of us far from the beach need to pay attention to tropical storm forecasts and be prepared for intense rain and flooding.

*Tropical cyclone is the general term for tropical storms and hurricanes. In other oceans, hurricanes are also called typhoons and cyclones. Tropical cyclone encompasses them all.

Categories: by Anne, geohazards, geomorphology, hydrology

Call For Posts, Accretionary Wedge #38: Back to School

A post by Anne Jefferson‘Tis the season when professors write their syllabi and lead their first classes, when students decide whether to take that elective in geophysics or the one in hydrogeology, and when professional and armchair geologists…well, I don’t know what they do, because I’ve been a student or professor for as long as I can remember. In any case, it is a time of year that provokes anticipatory excitement, feelings of nostalgia, and wishes for wisdom.

In this spirit, I’m calling for posts on theme of “back to school” for the next Accretionary Wedge. But this carnival isn’t really about curriculum and textbooks, and there won’t be a final exam! Instead, I’m thinking about the things that we don’t often learn or teach in school but that may turn out to be quite important in the real world. I’m envisioning a carnival in which we all get a chance to give and get advice and share stories about geosciences education and careers. I’m hoping that this collection of posts can be a resource for people falling in love with rocks, or water, or maps and trying to figure out how to turn that infatuation into a career.

I’m going to list below a series of the top-of-the head questions that I think fit the theme I’m envisioning, but feel free to add or interpret as you see fit. Please submit your posts by the time you go to bed on Friday, 30 September, and I’ll compile and post the carnival in the first week of October.

If you are a current or future student… what do you want to know about life and careers in the geosciences? Are there things you aren’t getting to learn or do in classes that you think are important? What sort of experiences do you want to get out of school and how do you think school can or should help you prepare for a career?

If you are a professor… what do you wish your students would ask? What do you think they should know, regardless of whether it is formally taught and assessed? Do you think we’re doing a good job preparing our students for think future jobs? What should you and I and other geosciences profs be doing better? Do you want to see more involvement from alumni or others in industry and government?

If you are outside academia… what needs do you see for the rising generation of geoscientists? What skills and concepts are essential? Are there skillsets that we aren’t doing a good job of imparting on students? How important are things like communication and quantitative skills versus specific knowledge about rocks/water/maps? If you could go to a group of undergraduate geosciences majors and give them advice, what would you tell them? What would you tell their professors?

If you are a geology enthusiast but not professional… what do you wish you could get in additional formal and informal education? What would you like from geosciences students, faculty, and professionals that would make your enthusiasm more informed and more fun?

For anyone… if you could go back to any point in your education and do it over, what would you do differently? Why?

Chalkboard with text

What one group of grad students came up with from the prompt "How is science really done"

Categories: bloggery, by Anne

Scenic Saturday: Sliced, diced and weathered

A post by Chris RowanFollowing on from Anne’s pretty photo last weekend, let’s nip over to southwest Spain to see a place where art meets tectonics:

Carboneras Fault Zone, SW Spain. Photo: Chris Rowan. Click to enlarge

We’re looking at a section throughout the Carboneras Fault zone. Africa and Spain are still very slowly colliding with each other, and although it’s very hard to draw a neat plate boundary in the collision zone, this fault and others in the region (including one that ruptured earlier this year) are accommodating this motion in a variety of ways. The Carboneras Fault is a left-lateral strike-slip fault that is cutting through a number of different units – metamorphic rocks that were formed and brought to the surface in a collision event, a range of younger sediments (mainly limestones and sandstones, deposited in the last 10 million years) deposited in small extensional basins, and some volcanic rocks of a similar age. One quite common feature of strike-slip motion is the formation of multiple parallel strands, or splays. In the area this photo was taken, as you walk along the valley that cuts through the fault zone, you are walking over several such splays, each containing slices of these very different rocks juxtaposed against each other. Because fault motion tends to grind things up, the exposed rocks weather quite easily, and because all the different units are so different lithologically, they also weather quite differently, producing a colourful striped appearance. The lack of vegetation in southern Spain (it’s practically a desert) enhances the effect rather nicely.

Carboneras Fault Zone, SW Spain. Photo: Chris Rowan. Click to enlarge

Some more details on the Carboneras Fault can be found at Paleoseismicity.

Categories: outcrops, photos