Geobloggers for Donorschoose: Maitri Erwin

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonContinuing our campaign to promote geoscience education during Earth Science Week, today we give you Maitri Erwin, who has thrown herself enthusiastically into this years DonorsChoose Science Bloggers for Students challenge as part of the Ocean and Geobloggers Collective. As she wrote on announcing her participation:

A simple $1.50 per child living in poverty can make the difference towards a better and slightly more equipped science education…Let’s support American science education even if (and especially because) the government and private sector couldn’t care less!

Or, as she put it more snappily on Twitter:

[blackbirdpie url=]

Maitri is supporting several worthy proposals, but would especially like to ask for support for two projects with a focus on teaching fundamental geology: ‘Rock Stars’ is asking for rock, fossil and mineral kits for hands-on learning, which is as we all know the best way to teach earth science, and ‘Science Rocks!’ is asking for test tubes and protective goggles to allow Mrs Dye and her pupils to do some experimental mineralogy, which is to my mind a pretty cool idea. Remember, even the smallest donation can have a lasting impact, and what better way to invest in the future than making sure the next generation knows how cool our planet is.

Categories: public science, science education

Geobloggers for DonorsChoose: Jacquelyn Gill

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonIt’s a good week to promote geoscience education. Not only is it Earth Science Week, but science bloggers everywhere are involved in their annual drive to provide much needed educational resources to US schoolteachers through DonorsChoose. Forcing schools to beg for stuff they need to teach properly as a matter of course seems a sad state of affairs for such a rich country, but you can’t deny that the cause is a worthy one.

We have not set up our own challenge this year, but a number of geology and ocean bloggers have. So each day this Earth Science week, we’ll be giving their efforts a shout-out, and encouraging you to donate to one of the projects that they have endorsed.

First up is Jacquelyn Gill of The Contemplative Mammoth. Jacquelyn says:

As a university educator, I often interact with students at the end of the education pipeline; I’ve seen the consequences of math anxiety or a lack of basic science education first-hand. Donors Choose is a great way to get involved when students are young, when science is a thing of joy and exploration, rather than boredom or frustration as it is for so many college students. If we can give all kids the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy science, we’re not only helping to make sure that the next generation of scientists is as diverse as our citizens, but we’re also ensuring that non-scientists will have a healthy appreciation for the relevance of science to their lives.

Jacquelyn’s challenge page can be found here. One of the projects she is endorsing is a request for funds to buy rocks samples and globes from Mr. Petrofsky, a new teacher with a small budget who would like to use them to “develop passions for learning about life, the formation of the earth, and its sustainability.”

If you donate towards this or another project through Jacquelyn’s page, you also get the change to win a set set of ten custom, hand-drawn, hand-made science-themed marble magnets.

Funky magnets could be yours if you donate more than $5.

Remember: every little helps, and every project funded means more children given a chance to properly learn about science.

Categories: public science, science education

Stuff I linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanThe Sunday link-fest has returned, although it’s just me this week as Anne has been busy preparing for, and travelling to attend, the GSA Conference in Minneapolis. Here are the most interesting items I found in my travels around the internet in the last seven days:

Earthquakes & Volcanoes



General Geology



Interesting Miscellaney

Categories: links

Scenic Saturday: Waterfalls need the right rocks as well as water

A post by Chris RowanEarlier this year, I spent a pleasant day hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. One of the places I visited was Grotto Falls; not the world’s tallest waterfall, but rather handsome all the same.

Grotto Falls, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2011 (click to enlarge).

Being an unabashed geonerd, I took advantage of the fact that flowing water can helpfully exposed fresh, unweathered rock surfaces for me to peer at. The waterfall itself was flowing over a ledge of a hard grey rock which looked to be some kind of sandstone.

Sandstone ledge forming the top of Grotto Falls. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2011 (click to enlarge).

Fallen boulders along the river valley gave me a closer look, and confirmed that it was a sandstone, with a somewhat gritty texture (some of the larger sediment grains are a little too large to really be described as sand). It was actually quite crystalline, evidence that this sandstone that has been metamorphosed – its constituent minerals have been altered, and possibly new minerals have been produced, by exposure to high temperatures and pressures. As these rocks were caught up in the continental collision that raised the Great Smokies and the rest of the Appalachian mountain range between about 200 and 300 million years ago (I think that the rocks themselves in this region are between about 500 and 600 million years old), it’s hardly a surprise that they’ve been put through the geological wringer a bit.

Metamorphosed gritty sandstone. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2011 (click to enlarge).

Rock exposures underneath the waterfall were a little harder to come by, and when I finally found one I discovered why. Instead of a hard, unyielding metamorphosed sandstone – recrystallisation of quartz rich sandstone tends to meld all the grains together, making them extremely hard – there was mudstone that had been metamorphosed into slate. The inclusion of lots of clay minerals in the initial rock led to a much different lithological destiny: the growth of new minerals, all aligned in a similar way, has led to the development of internal layering known as cleavage. Whilst it may be one of those geological terms that has launched a thousand back-of-the-lecture-hall sniggers, it is actually rather usefully descriptive, as one consequence of the mineral alignment is that slates split apart very easily along these cleavage planes.

Slate found near the base of Grotto Falls. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2011 (click to enlarge).

So: water is flowing over hard rock at the top of the waterfall, and over much weaker rock at its base. After a moment’s consideration it becomes fairly obvious that this change in rock type is precisely why Grotto Falls is there in the first place. The river is first flowing over sandstone that doesn’t erode very fast, and then over slate that does, and over time it cuts much faster and deeper into the latter part of the channel than the former. The fundamental control of geology on the topography of the stream is even more obvious if you look further downstream: Grotto Falls is merely the highest of a series of cascades along this river, and each time you find the river flowing over one of the harder sandstone layers in this sequence.

A smaller cascade, downstream of Grotto Falls. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2011 (click to enlarge).

This sort of stuff is more my co-blogger’s area of expertise than mine, of course, but just like in last week’s Scenic Saturday, we find that that we are admiring a vista which began forming far further back in the geological past than you might think. The waterfall we see today is as much a product of environmental variations 500 million years ago, and deformation and metamorphism 250 million years ago, as it is of the last few hundreds and thousands of years of erosion.

Want to know more about metamorphism?

If you’re interested in learning more about metamorphism, you don’t need to go far: our latest all-geo blogger, Simon Welllings, graduated from Earth Science Erratics over the summer and is now writing at his very own blog, Metageologist, where he is currently writing an excellent series of posts on metamorphic rocks and how they form.

Categories: geomorphology, outcrops, photos, rocks & minerals

Friday focal mechanism: mountain building in Argentina

A post by Chris RowanYesterday a magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck in the Jujuy province of northwestern Argentina, in the western foothills of the Andes. What few news reports there are indicate strong shaking but little damage in what seems to be a remote and sparsely populated corner of South America.

The focal mechanism for this shallow (5-10 km deep) earthquake indicates a fairly steeply dipping, north-south oriented thrust fault (guide for interpreting focal mechanisms).

View looking NW across South America towards the Andes, showing the location and focal mechanism of the M6.2 earthquake on October 6th. Other yellow dots are other earthquakes in this area in the past 7 days. Source: Google Earth/USGS

Given its location on the edge of a mountain range, this is not a surprise. Mountains are produced when two bits of crust are being pushed together: as more and more material gets squashed into the same area, the crust gets thicker, and the mountains rise. All of this squashing together is accommodated by a combination of folding and movement along thrust faults. The ultimate source of the convergence that is building the Andes is the Chilean subduction zone, where the Nazca plate is being subducted west beneath the west coast of South America. Much of the shortening at this boundary is accommodated on the subduction megathrust, which can generate very large earthquakes, but not all of it is. Between earthquakes, the subduction zone is locked, so convergence gets pushed into the over-riding South American plate, building up elastic strain. Most of this strain is released when the subduction zone finally ruptures again, but not all of it is: some of it will instead cause deformation and movement on faults behind the subduction zone. The fact that the Andes are there at all tells us that over millions of years, a reasonable fraction of the convergence between the South American and Nazaca plates was taken up in this way by deformation east of the plate boundary.

What’s interesting in this case is the location of the thrusting. Given where the subduction zone is, you might expect most of the major thrust faults to be on the western side of the Andes, closer to the plate boundary. Instead, if this earthquake is anything to go by, there is at least one significant thrust all the way over the mountains. And the indications are that it is not alone. GPS data from a paper published earlier in the year in Nature Geoscience shows that the whole length of the Andes in southern Bolivia, to the north of this week’s earthquake, is moving east relative to South America at a sizeable fraction of the Nazca Plate’s velocity, slowing only towards the eastern edge of the range. This implies that the whole mountain range might be being thrust as a single, fairly rigid block over the South American crust to the east.

Eastward motion of the Bolivian Andes relative to the rest of South America. Velocities only fall off towards the eastern edge of the range, where the Mandeyapecua thrust (MTF) is located. The black circle marks the approximate location of this week's earthquake. Source; Brooks <i>et al.</i>, Fig. 1.

As the figure above shows, the eastern Andes in the section studied in the paper by Brooks et al. is bounded by the 500 km-long Mandeyapecua Thrust Fault (MTF), which might be accommodating most of the sudden decceleration. If this fault ruptured along its entire length, it could possibly produce an earthquake as powerful as magnitude 8.9. Although this week’s earthquake was fairly small fry compared to that, it was probably on similar class of structure to the Mandeyapecua Fault – either a smaller thrust, or a small section of a larger thrust – and is the result of the same tectonic forces.

Categories: earthquakes, focal mechanisms, geohazards, structures