Gone drillin’

I’m off for a week to collect some samples. It’s the first time I’ve actually handled a drill since my last field season in New Zealand way back in 2003 (a scarily long time ago, now I think of it), but it’s merely the first in several collecting trips I’m planning in the next few months. Anyway, this is where I’m going to be sampling.


Before Brian starts crying plagiarism, I’m not expecting you to guess where this is – the image is less than 10 km wide, after all. Instead, I’m going to overlay the outcrop geology of the section I’m looking at.


The red areas in the south-west are basement granites of the Kaapvaal Craton, which have been dated at about 3 billion years old. The different coloured units above it represent pretty much the oldest cratonic cover sequence anywhere – at least, the oldest that hasn’t been mashed beyond all recognition by metamorphism. I’m going to be sampling two volcanic formations (the purple and green units) in the hope that there’s still an original magnetic signal in there somewhere. Of course, I won’t know that for several months yet.
Whilst I’m away, I’ve got a couple of reposts from ye olde blog scheduled, although some of us Sciblings have been having problems with that recently, so apologies if nothing appears.

Categories: geology

A primer on the origin of the Earth

I heartily second Lab Lemmings recommendation of the Skepchick’s series on ‘The Origin of the Earth’, an opus in five parts:

If my post on the composition of the Earth left you wondering exactly how it got that way, this series (particularly parts III-V) is for you.

Categories: basics, links, planets

Lusi flows on

The latest from Lusi
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve posted about Lusi, the Indonesian mud volcano, mainly because I hadn’t found anything significant to report. Sadly, in this case, it seems that no news was bad news, and last week’s reports that one of the dykes preventing the sludgy tide from engulfing more of Surabaya had burst seems to confim that despite some early optimism, the mad concrete ball-dropping scheme has failed to appreciably stem the flow.
Today comes news that the Indonesian authorities are set to try a new strategy, although at present none of the stories I’ve read seem particularly clear on what this actually involves. According to Physorg:

The latest attempt will try to plug the mudflow using inverted pressure in the area where spoil has built up around the crater.

I have no idea what ‘using inverted pressure’ means. Given the mention of ‘spoil’, I’m hoping that it’s not just a posh way of saying ‘try to block the vent by dumping stuff in it’. Any ideas?

Categories: geohazards, Lusi

Tony Blair liked science, but he didn’t understand it

So, Tony Blair has finally decided to call it a day. Relocating a few thousand miles away has had the fortunate effect of insulating me from the British media’s obsession with when/whether/how he was going to step down as PM, and whether anyone other than Gordon Brown was going to take the helm – the papers here have their own succession issues to get excited about. I never really rated him as a leader (as opposed to a politician), and although I hoped to be proven wrong I was not particularly surprised by the way his government’s rhetoric never seemed to be matched by action. However, I actually have some sympathy for him over Iraq, which was basically just the most tragic of many instances where he overestimated his ability to persuade and influence people.
It’s probably a little early to be talking about Tony Blair’s ‘legacy’, but of course, that’s not stopping anyone. Over at one of the New Scientist blogs, the question has been given a scientific spin. They reference this interview they had with him back in November last year (there’s even a podcast if you want to hear everything, and further discussion at the New Scientist newsblog), and I think my response to that on ye olde blog, reposted below the fold, sums up why I’d give him a 2:2 at best.

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Categories: public science, ranting

Bumpy ice: proof of a Martian water cycle?

Some interesting data from Mars Odyssey about the distribution of sub-surface ice on Mars were published in Nature last week by Joshua Bandfield at Arizona State University (see also here and here). Mars Odyssey had already detected the presence of extensive water ice at depths < 1-2m by using its Gamma Ray Spectrometer to measure the concentration of hydrogen. However, this instrument does not have a very high spatial resolution (of the order of hundreds of kilometres), so cannot resolve any local variations in the thickness or depth of the subsurface ice layer.
In contrast, the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has a much higher resolution – of the order of 100 metres. However, inferring the presence of subsurface ice with this instrument is a slightly more indirect process. Detection is based on the idea that martial soil, or regolith, will have a much higher thermal inertia when bound together with ice than it does as a loose aggregate; this means that regions with a lot of ice near the surface will cool or heat up more slowly in response to daily and seasonal changes in temperature than areas where there is no ice, or it is more deeply buried.
In order to exploit this principle, Bandfield used THEMIS observations of the same region in mid to late summer and early autumn to calculate how much the ground temperature changed as Mars cooled down. Because changes in air temperature take time to propagate into the subsurface, the amount of cooling depends mostly on the thermal properties of the top metre or so of the Martian surface. The figure below, adapted from Figure 1 of the Nature paper, shows that if there is shallowly buried ice, the thermal intertia of these top few tens of centimetres is high, and the temperature change is small. If the ice is buried deeper, beneath a thicker layer of unbound regolith, the thermal inertia of the surface layer is lower and the temperature change is larger.


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Categories: geophysics, paper reviews, planets