How do we know Gabon’s ‘multicellular’ fossils are 2.1 billion years old?

ResearchBlogging.orgA post by Chris RowanThe fossil record prior to 550 million years ago is so patchy that every discovery is going to cause some fanfare. That is certainly case with these odd looking things, which have been proclaimed in Nature as the oldest mulitcellular organisms ever found.

A 2.1 billion year old fossil atop the bed it was preserved in. Source: Albani et al., Fig. 2

These flat, dish-like fossils are found at a number of horizons within a black shale unit of the Francevillian Group in southeast Gabon. They grew in a marine delta environment, and following a rapid burial event, sulphate-reducing bacteria got to work decomposing them. One by-product of sulphate reduction is pyrite, and as a result decomposition left a durable, mineralised impression of what was consumed.
To my admittedly inexpert eyes, these things do not immediately scream ‘multicellular!’ at me (in contrast to, say, the enigmatic Stirling fauna) – they look like some kind of bacterial mat. However, Albani et al. have used high resolution X-ray scans to reveal a complex internal structure, and what they argue is evidence of coordinated growth patterns, both of which suggest a higher degree of organisation than a bacterial colony [Update: Go and read Ed Yong’s write-up for a number of semi-sceptical expert opinions].
The age of the Francevillian Group is given as 2.1 billion years (2100 million), and it is this great age that makes these fossils so potentially significant: if they are multicellular, then they are the oldest known large multicelluar organisms by a margin of about 200 million years (it’s not clear in the article, but I think that the Stirling fauna is what has been usurped). It seems not everyone is so impressed by this*, but it does push the possible origins of multicellularity back much closer to the oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere between 2400 and 2300 million years ago, which must have had a significant evolutionary impact on life. If this discovery pans out, a hypothesised connection between the two becomes slightly less tenuous.
Because precisely dating such old rocks is a tricky business, I was curious to know exactly how good the age constraints on the Francevillian Group were. As it turns out, they are actually pretty good. By a lucky happenstance, the unit just above the fossil-bearing layers has a zircon-bearing tuff which has been extremely precisely dated as forming 2080 million years ago. This provides a minimum age for the units below – they had to have already been there when the tuff erupted. Another minimum age comes from the Oklo uranium ore deposit, which is found at a slightly lower stratigraphic level, is pretty famous in its own right, and is known to have formed around 2050 million years ago. Because the ore body is the result of later mineral growth some time after deposition of the host rock, the host rock must be older than the ore. Diagenetic clays just below the fossil-bearing layers, which probably formed shortly after deposition, have also been less accurately dated at around 2100 million years ago.
A final chronological clue is provided by the observation that carbonate minerals within the fossil-bearing sequence have elevated levels of carbon-13 with respect to carbon-12. A similar trend (known as the Lomagundi excursion after the place in Zimbabwe it was first identified) has been found in sequences between 2220 and 2100 million years old from Africa, South America, North America, Scandanavia and Australia. Correlating to what seems to have been a global change in seawater chemistry therefore provides maximum and minimum estimates for when the fossil organisms lived and died. When combined with the other age constraints described above, particularly the age of the overlying tuff, an age towards the younger end of this interval seems to be the most reasonable interpretation, hence the 2100 million year estimate given by the authors.


So, whilst the significance of these Gabonese fossils can be debated, they are almost certainly around 2.1 billion years old.
*only people used to working in the Archean and Proterozoic can be blasé about such lengths of time. 200 million years from the present day, dinosaurs were still at the beginning of their reign, and all the continents were collected together into Pangaea, so it’s not an insignificant interval in terms of evolution or geology. Although to be fair to Daniel, he’s mainly responding to a media write-up that propagates the whole ‘nothing biologically interesting before the Cambrian – except THIS!’ trope.
Albani, A., Bengtson, S., Canfield, D., Bekker, A., Macchiarelli, R., Mazurier, A., Hammarlund, E., Boulvais, P., Dupuy, J., Fontaine, C., F?ºrsich, F., Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Janvier, P., Javaux, E., Ossa, F., Pierson-Wickmann, A., Riboulleau, A., Sardini, P., Vachard, D., Whitehouse, M., & Meunier, A. (2010). Large colonial organisms with coordinated growth in oxygenated environments 2.1‚ÄâGyr ago Nature, 466 (7302), 100-104 DOI: 10.1038/nature09166

Categories: fossils, geology, paper reviews, past worlds, Proterozoic

Creeping fault segments are showing their age

ResearchBlogging.orgA post by Chris RowanWhat does faulting do to a rock 2 miles beneath the Earth’s surface? Thanks to the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) project, which retrieved samples across an active segment of the San Andreas Fault from 3000m below the Earth’s surface, we can answer this question: it turns it into fragments a little like this:

Polished and striated rock chip from fault zone in SAFOD borehole. Source: Schleicher et al., Fig. 1B.

Anja Schleicher and her co-authors found abundant fragments like the one above, with polished and striated fracture surfaces formed by strike-slip motion of the San Andreas fault, which collectively make up a fault gouge – or, less technically, a really really smashed up rock – in the fault zone. However, as they report in their recently published paper in Geology, closer examination and chemical analysis of these fracture surfaces reveals something rather interested – a thin coating of clay minerals such as illite. These minerals’ growth patterns, and radiometric dating of their time of formation, demonstrate that they post-date the fracturing – they grew on the polished grain surfaces at some point after the rock was broken apart.
What makes this discovery particularly interesting is that the SAFOD borehole was drilled through a part of the San Andreas Fault which ‘creeps’: there is fairly continuous, slow movement, rather than the stick-slip behaviour that generates large earthquakes. It seems that in this region, the friction between the two sides of the fault is too low for any significant elastic strain to build up before the fault moves. These new observations suggest that the cause of this weak, creeping behaviour is the growth of the illite and other clay minerals within the fault rock; these new minerals then act as a lubricant that reduces friction and allows more continuous deformation. This contrasts with the hypothesis put forward when the borehole samples were first unveiled a couple of years ago, which pointed to the presence of serpentinite (and talc derived from the breakdown thereof) within the units being deformed as the explanation for creep.
A further implication of these observations is that creeping behaviour is a function of the age of the fault. The polished and striated rock fragments testify to the fact that the rock intersected by the borehole was originally shattered by brittle failure, which produces earthquakes. Schleicher et al. propose that this initial fracturing allows fluids to more easily circulate through the fault zone, speeding up chemical alteration and producing the clay minerals. They initially occur in small, unconnected pockets, but further seismic motion and alteration eventually link the clay-rich regions together into larger fractures that can accommodate tectonic strain by slow creep rather than jerky sticking and slipping. It’s a kind of reverse arthritis – rather than seizing up, the older Earth’s tectonic joints get,the more freely they may move.
Questions remain, however. Whilst the segment of the San Andreas Fault sampled by SAFOD deforms mainly by creep, it is right next door to rather more seismically hazardous sections that do not. In a press release accompanying the paper, co-author Ben van der Pluijm suggests that the difference is due to activity being focussed on either older, clay-lubricated or younger, stronger, strands of the fault system; however, I’m uncertain why activity would shift away from weaker areas of the crust into stronger ones like that. Another possiblity is that the growth of clay minerals proceeds at different rates in different parts of the fault, being controlled or limited by lithology, or the amount and/or composition of circulating fluids. Interesting as this finding is, there’s still plenty more work to do before we truly understand why faults behave the way they do.
Schleicher, A., van der Pluijm, B., & Warr, L. (2010). Nanocoatings of clay and creep of the San Andreas fault at Parkfield, California Geology, 38 (7), 667-670 DOI: 10.1130/G31091.1

Categories: earthquakes, geology, paper reviews, tectonics

Stuff I linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanA selection of the interesting things that I’ve found and shared on Twitter since I got back from my holidays.


Analysis of samples from San Andreas Fault borehole suggest creeping sections lubricated by clays.
(via @RonsGeoPicks)
Rather impressive for a 5.0: 50 ft-wide chasm opened by quake-triggered landslide in Quebec
Italy puts seismology in the dock. [Wow. Who knew it was a crime to fail to predict the unpredictable?]
(from @NatureNews)


Finally, a discussion of [Gulf of Mexico] oil spill in relation to inevitable risks associated with deep sea drilling
Depressing statistic from David Archer: our CO2 ems = 5k #oilspills/day, every day
(via @morphosaurus, @KHayhoe)
BBC interview with rig worker claiming faulty BOP control pod was shut off, not fixed in weeks before explosion
Richard Heinberg on #oilspill’s Worst Case Scenario. [subsurface damage could stymy relief well? Scary.]
(from @postcarbon)
Not convinced solution to iron fertilisation not working is to order a bigger experiment.
(via geoengpolicy)
Bacteria could boost CO2 sequestration? [Ironically, end quote about need for massive scaling up relevant to all CCS]


Nice review in Science of mechanisms driving last deglaciation. Large, unstable N Hemisphere ice sheets key threshold
Ouch. Spherules cited as evidence for Younger Dryas impact ‘fossilized balls of fungus, charcoal, fecal pellets’
[I have previously blogged about this debate here and here]
New weather and climate podcast – the Barometer
(via @dr_andy_russell, @TheBarometerPod)
Conveyor model for ocean circulation a bit too simplistic to be useful?
[Although I would skip the appallingly opaque press release and read a far superior discussion by @olelog]
Nice post on history of Hockey Stick by @dr_andy_russell proves crank-magnetism of anything w/ Hockey Stick in title.


Was Venus once habitable? [Seems there was once lots of water, but lost to space q early]
(via @earthmagazine)
New Clues Suggest Wet Era on Early Mars Was Global [Hydrated clay minerals now seen in N & S hemispheres]
(via @physorg_com)

General Geology

New way to detect mantle plumes: diffraction effects instead of travel times. Doubt it will convince ‘no plumes’ gang.
Great blog post by @clasticdetritus)t: Rapid canyon formation and uniformitarianism.
At the edge of the intrusion [Awesome field photo of intrusive contact]
Infrastructure and Mineral Wealth [Good point: finding & extracting are two entirely different things]
(via @Geoblogfeed)
A way to think about channel patterns.
(via @drjerque)

Interesting Miscellaney

Facebook & twitter mobile updates have contributed to decline of traffic to Blogger & WordPress blogs
(via @suehutton)
[Seems more like a maturation to me; makes sense that people who just want to post links, photos, status updates are moving to tools better suited to these tasks.]
The psychological trauma caused by the devastation in Haiti:;jsessionid=981D94243653ACAC7FD23043AADC8BFB?contentguid=zzv0LNRI&full=true#display
(via @geographile)
Economist has v. interesting special report marking 10 years since the human genome sequenced.

Categories: links

Yellowstone it was

A post by Chris RowanGive yourselves a pat on the back: virtually everyone guessed correctly that my fortnight away was chiefly spent exploring Yellowstone National Park, bookended by some time in Grand Teton National Park just next door. The first photo I showed you was of a dead tree standing in a growing expanse of silica deposited by a nearby hot spring*. The spring in question is the Grand Prismatic Spring, which is the third largest hot spring in the world, and even looks pretty from space.


grand prismatic trees

grand prismatic spring
The Grand Prismatic Spring

The second photo is of a rhyolite lava flow in the Firehole Canyon. Rhyolite lavas are extremely viscous, as illustrated nicely by the intensely deformed flow banding in this outcrop – it hasn’t so much flowed, as oozed. This flow occured within the Yellowstone caldera some time after it was excavated by the last big explosive eruption 640,000 years ago.

Firehole canyon rhyolite

Firehole canyon rhyolite

Perhaps it was pretty obvious in hindsight – but I didn’t expect you all to be all so North America-centric that you wouldn’t guess one of the world’s other geothermal areas. Maybe the pine trees were too much of a giveaway. Regardless, I saw plenty of awesome geology whilst I was away – and I’m planning to share the highlights with you all over the next few weeks.
*incidentally, I may just have a big hole in my mineralogical knowledge (which is entirely possible), but I swear I’ve never heard hydrothermally deposited silica referred to as ‘geyserite’ before. Is this usage limited to North America, perhaps?

Categories: geology, outcrops, photos, volcanoes

Old tectonic scars run deep: the magnitude 5.0 earthquake in Ontario

A post by Chris RowanYesterday, eastern Canada was shaken by a magnitude 5 earthquake. This is, at first glance, a rather surprising event, because if you were to ask me to point out the most likely place for an earthquake to occur in Canada, I would point west, to the plate boundary marked by the Cascadia subduction zone (which eventually links up to with the San Andreas Fault farther south). In contrast, Ontario and Quebec are several thousand miles from the nearest plate boundary. However, perhaps I shouldn’t be so surprised: the rupture is located smack in the middle of a zone of enhanced risk in the seismic hazard map for this area. A look in the USGS’s historical database reveals why: there have been a number of earthquakes of similar or greater size in this region in the last century: a magnitude 4.9 in 2005; a 5.9 in 1998; a 5.8 in 1944; a 6.1 in 1935; and a 6.2 in 1925. There are also reports of a what is possibly up to a magnitude 7 earthquake way back in 1663. Although earthquakes within plates might not quite follow the tectonic rules seen at plate boundaries, it seems in this case, at least for the moment, past seismic activity does provide some indication of where to expect future large(ish) earthquakes.

Seismic hazard map for Eastern Canada. Source: Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program.

So why is this particular region so much more earthquake-prone than the rest of eastern Canada? Earthquakes within plates occur where they are not quite strong enough to support the forces driving motion, causing them to deform slightly. These weak points are generally found in older, fault-riddled bits of the crust that have gone through the plate tectonic wringer one or more times in the geologic past. Although there is currently no active plate boundary on the East Coast of North America, in the last 1000 million years or so it has been through a continental collision (the Grenville orogeny associated with the formation of the supercontinent of Rodinia), a rifting event (the formation of the Iapetus Ocean), then another continental collision (the closure of Iapetus and the formation of the supercontient Pangaea), then another rifting event (the opening of the present Atlantic). Faults related to all of these past episodes of tectonic activity can be found along the margin, as summarised in the color-coded figure below, taken from Thomas (2006) (pdf); this concentration of structures, easily reactivated by any applied tectonic stress, are the reason that this edge of the North American plate is much more seismically active than the continental interior.

Click image to enlarge. Source: >Thomas (2006).

This particular earthquake appears to be associated with a small extensional graben formed during the opening of Iapetus (green lines), although a little inboard of the main locus of rifting; it is thus a failed rift, similar to the one associated with the New Madrid earthquakes. Here’s a close-up, courtesy of fellow geotweeter CPPGeophysics


It’s interesting to see how tectonic processes that operated, and ceased, hundreds of millions of years ago, can still have a profound impact on the patterns of earthquakes today.

Categories: deep time, earthquakes, geohazards, geology, structures, tectonics