Stuff we linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne Jefferson

Blogs in motion

The Scienceseeker blog aggregator aims to act as a general portal for all science blogging, everywhere. It has a Geoscience section which is obviously still lacking a fair number of the geoblogs out there; I have submitted the blogs on the allgeo feed to be added to the database, but it may take a while as they run through the backlog of a deluge of submissions in the last week.

Earthquakes and Volcanos

Floods and Landslides





General Geology

Interesting Miscellaney

ScienceOnline metabloggery

Unsurprisingly, this week has seen lots of summaries, reflections, and new conversations inspired by the ScienceOnline conference. Even Chris could not resist the siren call of navel-gazing.

Categories: links

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