Notables and linkables

Good news, everbody! It seems that the continuing growth of the geoblogosphere is starting to get noticed, with articles in both the AAPG Explorer and Geotimes, who together appear to have interviewed a good number of us. I’m quoted in the Geotimes article, and also in another piece about the metabloggery stirred up by Nature Geoscience a couple of months ago.
Following on from last week’s post about the subsidence around the Indonesian mud volcano Lusi, it turns out that Maria is a co-author on a soon-to-be published paper which pretty firmly establishes that the earthquake that proceeded the eruption was, as she puts it, too “rinky-dink” to have triggered it; it was totally the exploration well:

We calculated that the weight of the drilling mud, in addition to the pressure recorded at the top of the hole while it was sealed, was enough to muscle into the surrounding rock and force open fractures leading to an eruption.

Responses abound to the SVP report on Aetogate, including from the original plaintiffs (pdf). Chris Taylor, Darren, Brian, Mickey Rowe and PZ have all chimed in with thoughts and opinions, with the highlight being lots of typically smart and incisive analysis from Janet (with the promise of more).
Finally, check out the Carnival of Classic Science Papers over at Skulls in the Stars.

Categories: academic life, bloggery, geohazards, public science

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