OpenLab 2007 – the results

My other excuse for not posting anything since mid-December is that I had the honour of being asked to participate in the judging for the OpenLab 2007 anthology. By the time nominations had closed there were almost 500 entries to get through, of which at best I managed to read 30-40% – needless to say, I am in serious awe of those who managed to get through and score the whole list. I was also very impressed by the high standards of writing and scientific nous on offer in the nominated posts.
I was even more proud to discover that one of my own posts, ‘Testability in Earth Sciences’, has made it into the final collection. And, as a further testament to the encouraging growth of the geoblogosphere last year, Kim’s lovely piece ‘The sound of Mylonites’ is also being included. There’s still some way to go to put those biologists in their proper place, though…
Reed Cartright is working tirelessly to get the whole thing publication ready by the end of January, when I will, of course, be plugging it shamelessly.

Categories: bloggery

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