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  1. Ahmed Bahaa says:

    Dear Sir .
    I am Ahmed from Egypt . I am now studying in the final year in the geophysics department .
    I want to become field work volcanologist , what is the level of mark required ? what is the skills required ? how do I find work in this field and how can i start from this moment ?

    thank you …

  2. Pingback: Do Iceland’s volcanoes pose a threat to the UK? | Volcan01010

  3. Pingback: Bárðarbunga – waiting and watching | Volcan01010

  4. Pingback: Holuhraun fieldwork videos | Volcan01010

  5. Pingback: How big are the grains in a volcanic ash cloud? | Volcan01010

  6. Pingback: Recommended sources of information on Katla volcano | Volcan01010

  7. Pingback: Spotlight: John A. Stevenson, Ph.D. – Careers outside of academia with a PhD in volcanology

  8. Pingback: Why I went on strike over civil servant pay | Volcan01010

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