Tag Archives: scienceonline09

Scientific Unconferencing

What if you added a bit of unconference dust to the scientific meeting?
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Categories: academic life, conferences

ScienceOnline Day 2: generalised ramblings

Sessions attended: Nature blogging: a lot of discussion time was spent on what exactly a “nature blog” was, with a clear division between those who viewed nature blogging as a broad church, with the more science-oriented blogs as a subset … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, conferences

ScienceOnline Day 1: generalised ramblings

Since I’ve yet to develop the sort of mind that can blog the last sentence whilst listening to the next one, I’ve mainly kept the laptop closed and just listened and/or pontificated in most of today’s sessions. But I thought … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, conferences, general science, public science

Blogging Transitions: academic blogging when people know who you are

There are pitfalls – but is it still possible to stand up for change?
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Categories: academic life