Scenic Saturday: Ropy pahoehoe on a biogenic beach

Anne on a ropy pahoehoe flow on the beach

Anne enjoying the scenery on Isabella Island, Galápagos, July 2011

In this inaugural Scenic Saturday post, I offer up very happy volcano/landscape nerd enjoying the stunning geologic scenery on Isabella, Galápagos Islands, July 2011. I was there as a participant in the Chapman Conference on the Galápagos as a Laboratory for the Earth Sciences. I may manage to blog in more detail about the islands and the conference, but for now enjoy the scenery, just as I did on my first few days in the archipelago.

In the image above, I’ve got my back to the village of Villamil, on the southern flank of Sierra Negra volcano, and I’m actually sitting on some of the oldest exposed lavas from that volcano. You’re looking at the crust of a pahoehoe flow that is probably about 5000 to 9000 years old. A short distance up the beach, I could peek under the skin of the lava and walk a few meters into a lava tube. The floor of this lava tube was below sea level and covered by sea water, so this was really a chance to experience the water table in a very macro-pore.

Lava tube, geologist for scale

Lava tube, USGS scientist for scale. Isabella Island, Galápagos, July 2011

The lava along this stretch of seafront is largely covered by sand that is clearly not basaltic. Instead it is made of little bits of broken shells and sea urchins from the incredibly rich marine ecosystem that surrounds the islands.

Beach sediments

Beach close-up, near Villamil, Isabella Island, Galápagos, July 2011

Elsewhere, the biogenic beach was covered by rather more living parts of the marine ecosystem. This sea lion put on a quite a performance for some appreciative visitors to a mangrove lagoon (and freshwater spring).

Isabella 105

Sea lion, sand, and mangrove roots, near Villamil, Isabella Island, Galápagos, July 2011

Categories: by Anne, geomorphology, hydrology, photos, volcanoes

Anne’s suspended summer

A post by Anne Jefferson

photo by A. Jefferson, May 2011

Travel safely, until we meet again.

It was always going to be a trick for me to feed the blog in the latter bit of the summer, as I’ve been planning almost 5 weeks of travel, much of it without internet access. A few days ago, though, an unfortunate event pushed the timetable forward a few weeks. My 4-year-old daughter had a playground accident that left her with a broken leg, which is encased in a cast from toes to thigh for a month or more. So, until at least September, I’ll be resisting the urge to blog and tweet, while I focus on the non-negotiable jobs of taking care of an immobile, injured child and keeping up with professional obligations.

Categories: by Anne

Flooding around the world (3 July edition)

A post by Anne JeffersonHere is a brief update on the floods I covered in the last edition of flooding around the world. Note that there has also been flooding in Xiengkoung, Viengtian, Boolikhamxay, and Xayaboury provinces of Laos, as a result of heavy rainfall from a tropical storm; in Russia’s Khabarovsk region (Kiya and Khor rivers), from heavy rainfall; and in the Philippines’ Davao city, from heavy rainfall.

China and the Yangtze River

The U.S. Corps of Engineers increased the output of the Gavins Point Dam spillway to 150, 000 cubic feet per second June 14, 2011. The flow was increased to help regulate the Missouri River due to record snow and rain fall earlier this year. (SDNG photo by Master Sgt. Donald Matthews)

Flow from the Gavins Point Dam spillway was 150, 000 cubic feet per second on June 14, 2011. (SDNG photo by Master Sgt. Donald Matthews, image on Flickr)

Missouri River

The Souris River, continues to flow over Minot, N.D. flood levees June 23, as the water begins to inundate residential neighborhoods. (DoD photo by Senior Master Sgt. David H. Lipp)

The Souris River, continues to flow over Minot, N.D. flood levees June 23, as the water begins to inundate residential neighborhoods. (DoD photo by Senior Master Sgt. David H. Lipp, image from Flickr)

Souris River

Categories: by Anne, geohazards, hydrology

Stuff we linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne Jefferson

New Geoblog





(via @revkin)


General Geology

Interesting Miscellaney

Categories: links

Update: Christchurch aftershocks

A post by Chris RowanResearchBlogging.orgIt’s now been two weeks since Christchurch got its last big shake. Since then, New Zealand seismometers have registered around 200 further shocks of magnitude 3 or greater. Most of these occurred in the first 4 or 5 days following the magnitude 6 on the 12th June: activity is dying away in the expected roughly time-inverse manner.

If we plot the latest pulse of aftershocks on a map (data courtesy of Geonet) they plot mainly on the Banks Peninsula to the southeast of Christchurch.

Christchurch quake locations for 12-24 June

Locations of >M3 earthquakes around Christchurch between 12 and 24 June. Data from Geonet.

Most of the faults in this area are probably fractures around the main vent. If so, the peninsula may be acting as a sort of seismic sponge, with the strain pushed into the area by the ruptures near Christchurch being absorbed by aftershocks on lots of small fault segments, rather than there being a large thoroughgoing structure that could release all the strain in one go. It certainly seems that after a reasonably active week following the June 12 quake, seismic activity on the Bank’s peninsula seems to have faded away almost completely.

Location of quakes around Christchurch, 19-24 June

Location of >M3 quakes around Christchurch quakes between 19 and 24 June. Note the relative lack of activity on the Banks Peninsula compared to 12-19 June. Data from Geonet.

I should just add here that there is no risk of this triggering an eruption of the very, very extinct volcanoes that form the Banks Peninsula. There is no magma chamber beneath these volcanoes any more, and hasn’t been for millions of years, so there is nothing for all of this seismic activity to disturb, or trigger, or awaken.

A more pertinent question for the residents of Christchurch is: are we going to get hit by another magnitude 6+ in the next few months? There is, sadly, no way of knowing for sure. The seismic activity on and around the Darfield and Port Hills faults since last September has probably dissipated much of the tectonic strain built up on them in the thousands of years since they last ruptured. But there is a fair amount of uncertainty about this, because we don’t know the past history of these faults: we don’t know how long it’s been, exactly, since they last ruptured, or how much strain has built up on them since then.

Nonetheless, probably the biggest worry going forward is not the faults we know about, but the faults we might not know about, hidden beneath the Canterbury plains. Dr Mark Quigley, the University of Canterbury geologist who has made a habit of popping up on New Zealand TV after the latest earthquake to provide clear explanations of what’s going on, discussed in his latest appearance (and on his website) a potentially analogous situation from a region near the San Andreas Fault in California, where a large earthquake (the magnitude 7.3 Landers earthquake) and 2 associated magnitude 6+ events in 1992 were followed seven years later by a large earthquake on a nearby, parallel, fault segment (the magnitude 7.1 Hectors Mine Earthquake). As the maps below show, these earthquakes were on parallel faults subsidiary to the main branch of the San Andreas Fault, about 20 km (15 miles) apart (the red lines in the top map mark historically active faults, courtesy of the USGS).

The relative locations of the 1992 Joshua Tree/Landers/Big Bear earthquakes, and the 1992 Hectors Mine Earthquake. Top map created using USGS Quaternary Faults Database; bottom map from Parsons & Drager 2000.

The link between these two earthquakes is discussed in this paper, published in 2000 by Tom Parsons of the USGS and Douglas Dreger of UC Berkeley. Their calculations of permanent stress changes following the Landers earthquake indicate that this is a case of earthquake triggering : deformation of the crust around the Landers rupture slightly increased the stress on parts of the neighbouring fault that ruptured in the Hectors Mine earthquake 7 years later, and the sections of the fault where the stress was increased the most were also the sections that slipped the most in 1999.

So, could a similar situation be possible near Christchurch? The tectonic situations are certainly broadly similar; we have subsidiary faults to a major strike-slip plate boundary (the Alpine Fault). But what we don’t know is if the Darfield and Port Hills faults have tectonic near-neighours: other faults with long seismic cycles of thousands of years, that are close enough to potentially be influenced by the recent seismicity. The answer to this question is hidden beneath the thick recent sediments of the Canterbury Plain, which extend more than 30 kilometres north and south of Christchurch.

Known active faults in the Christchurch region, based on historical seismicity and geological evidence for recent motion. Source: GNS.

We know that there are some basement faults in this region, but with new seismic and gravity surveys, New Zealand geologists hope to more firmly identify the faults that have disrupted overlying sediments in the past 10-20,000 years, and are therefore active, and those that have not, so are inactive. Once active structures have been identified, we can calculate whether the regional stress changes caused by the recent earthquakes have increased or decreased the risk of a rupture in the near future. The continuing seismicity might also provide some clues: an interesting observation from the Parsons and Drager paper was that in the years between 1992 and 1999, there were a number of small earthquakes clustered around the eventual Hectors Mine rupture. Such activity is not predictive of larger earthquakes, but small quake clusters may help to identify weak points in the crust worthy of further investigation.

So, there is still a fair amount of uncertainty; to be honest, even with all the data currently being collected, we will never have complete knowledge of the seismic risks facing Christchurch in the decades ahead. But the more we know, the better informed the people of Christchurch will be, as they make choices over how and where to rebuild.

Parsons, T., & Dreger, D. (2000). Static-stress impact of the 1992 Landers earthquake sequence on nucleation and slip at the site of the 1999 M=7.1 Hector Mine earthquake, southern California Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (13) DOI: 10.1029/1999GL011272

Categories: earthquakes, geohazards, tectonics