Does plate tectonics control magnetic reversals?

ResearchBlogging.orgA post by Chris RowanAs you probably know. I’m interested in tectonics: how the relatively rigid top 100 km or so of the Earth deforms over time. I also study paleomagnetism, or the record of the Earth’s magnetic field. This field, generated by convection in the outer core 3000 km below our feet, is imprinted on rocks as they form, and allows us to reconstruct the drift of the continents over time. Given these interests, I’m hardly going to let a paper entitled ‘Plate tectonics may control geomagnetic reversal frequency’ just slide past, am I?

Francois Pétrélis and his co-authors are attempting to solve a puzzle about the behaviour Earth’s magnetic field over geological time. From what we understand about how the geomagnetic field is generated, we would not expect reversals of the field to be amazingly regular; but even taking this expected randomness into account, we can see surprisingly large changes in the frequency of reversals in the geological record. In the last 10 million years, the geomagnetic field has flipped more than 40 times, about once every quarter of a million years on average. In huge contrast, in the Late Cretaceous, between about 120 and 80 million years ago, the field did not reverse a single time. It spent 40 million years stuck in the same polarity, when based on more recent records we would have expected it to reverse more than a hundred times.

The Geomagnetic polarity timescale. Black bars are 'normal' (like modern day) polarity periods, white bars are reversed periods.

The mystery of the ‘Cretaceous Normal Superchron’ lies in the fact that in geological terms, convection in the outer core is extremely rapid. Internally-driven variations in the pattern of convection might cause changes in the behaviour of the magnetic field over tens or hundreds of thousands of years, but it is difficult to explain changes over tens or hundreds of million years in the same way. It seems that something external, something more sedate, must be influencing the outer core.

Pétrélis et al. argue that the primary control over reversal frequency is how evenly distributed the flow of heat out of the core and into the mantle is. If the heat flow is roughly the same everywhere, then the primary control on the shape of convection in the outer core, and hence the shape of the geomagnetic field, is the Earth’s rotation; this will tend to produce a strong dipole. But if the heat flow is uneven – if it is leaving the core faster in some places than in others – then then the large-scale convective flow in the outer core will be disrupted, weaken the dipole, and increase the likelihood of reversals. The most important factor seems to be latitudinal asymmetry in the heat flow: if the amount of heat escaping the core in the northern hemisphere is too different from the heat going into the mantle in the southern hemisphere, then the dipole field is particularly prone to becoming unstable.

This is where plate tectonics comes in – and more particularly, subduction zones, which in the right circumstances can move material from the surface all the way to the lower reaches of the mantle. This material includes things like ecologite – highly altered oceanic crust – that are very different in composition and physical properties to the lower mantle. If this deeply subducted material accumulates unevenly at the core-mantle boundary, then it could disrupt the heat flow across it and reduce the stability of the magnetic field.

How the distribution of subducted slabs (blue) in the mantle might affect heat flow across the core-mantle boundary (yellow arrows), which might in turn affect the stability of the Earth's magnetic field. Click to enlarge.

The authors propose that because subduction zones usually occur around the edges of continents, if the continents are asymmetrically distributed, then the subduction zones will be too, and so might any subducted slabs piling up at the core-mantle boundary. Using paleographic reconstructions, they have calculated how the latitudinal distribution of the continents on the Earth’s surface has changed over time. If a large proportion of the continental crust finds itself in one hemisphere, this asymmetry factor is high: if it is more evenly distributed, it is low. The figure below, from their paper, plots the variation in this asymmetry parameter over the last few hundred million years in blue, together with the rate of geomagnetic reversals in black.

A comparison of reversal frequency over geologic time, with the degree of asymmetry of the continents, as calculated by Petrelis <i>et al.</i>. Click to enlarge.

In the very broadest sense, there are the hints of a correlation here: periods with higher rates of magnetic reversals seem to also be periods when the continents are unevenly distributed, and the Cretaceous normal superchron seems to be a period of more even continental distribution. But as far as I can see, the correlation between continental distribution and reversal frequency really isn’t what you’d expect if this mechanism was in effect. It would take time – 10s of millions of years -for what was happening on the surface to propogate 3000 km downwards to the core-mantle boundary. Which means that you would expect a lag between what the plates are doing, and what the magnetic field is doing: first the continents become unevenly distributed, then the reversal frequency goes up; first the continents balance out around the equator, then you get a superchron. It’s true that when continental asymmetry peaks about 200 million years ago, the reversal frequency peaks around 30 million years later. But the behaviour in both the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, and an earlier Superchron that occurred between 310 and 260 million years ago, is the opposite of what we’d expect: in both cases, continental distribution appears quite asymmetric at the start of the superchron, decreases during it and then only starts to increase after the superchron ends and reversal frequency is already picking up.

So, the lag is inconsistent, and often the opposite of what we’d expect if plate tectonics were indeed reaching down into the planet and affecting processes in the core. One problem might be that looking at the distribution of continentals might not be a very good way of determining the distribution of what we’re actually interested in – the subduction zones. If we compare paleogeographic reconstructions for the Late Cretaceous to today, the loss of the subduction zones in the equatorial Tethys Ocean (now squashed up between India and Tibet) stands out far more than changes in the latitudinal distribution of the continents in general.

The modern distribution of continents compared to the paleogeography of the Late Cretaceous. Source: the PALEOMAP project

Perhaps, then, the somewhat fuzzy relationship might be firmed up with a better proxy. Until then, I remain intrigued, but unconvinced.

Pétrélis, F., Besse, J., & Valet, J. (2011). Plate tectonics may control geomagnetic reversal frequency Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (19) DOI: 10.1029/2011GL048784

Categories: Cenozoic, geophysics, Mesozoic, palaeomagic, tectonics

New at Erratics: the mysterious iron ore of Bell Island, Conception Bay, Newfoundland

We’re pleased to welcome our latest contributer to Earth Science Erratics: Tim Sherry, a graduate student at McGill University. His first entry (cross-posted from Tim’s newly created geoblog, Up-Section), gives an account of a memorable stop on a recent field trip to Newfoundland. I’m already quite jealous, because this is somewhere that I’ve always wanted to visit. Amongst over geological wonders (including possibly the oldest Ediacaran fossils yet found), Newfoundland was also a key location in unravelling the existence of supercontinent cycles. Fossils and paleomagnetic measurements have revealed that the Precambrian, Cambrian and Ordovician rocks (between 600 and 450 million years old) at the coast were once on the other side of a large ocean basin from rocks of the same age further inland. They were mashed together a few tens of millions of years later in the continental collision that eventually formed the Appalachians.

Tim’s post focusses on Bell Island, and the iron ore deposits that are found there. As well as some lovely photos of the ore horizon, Tim delves into the history and practicalities of mining in the region, before looking more closely at the ore itself. It’s mysterious stuff, because its composed mostly of ooids made of iron oxide. Ooids are formed by mineral precipitation around sedimentary grains, producing their distinctive layered-onion structure in cross section. Most ooids are made of calcium carbonate and form in warm, shallow water. No-one has quite worked out how you precipitate hematite instead, but Tim gives some insight into the various theories that have been proposed.

Head over to Erratics for some good scenery, cool rocks, and mystifying mineralogy.

Categories: links, outcrops, rocks & minerals

Stuff we linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonFor your clicking pleasure: the most interesting stories and links that we came across this week in our internet meanderings.







General Geology

Interesting Miscellaney

Categories: links

Scenic Saturday: the American West from above

Earlier this week, geoblogger Michael Klaas pointed me in the direction of a lovely set of paintings of landscapes viewed from the windows of airliners as they traversed America. These pictures reminded me of some photos that I took at the end of last year on a flight from Chicago to Phoenix:

Photo: Chris Rowan, 2010. Click to enlarge.

Photo: Chris Rowan, 2010. Click to enlarge.

Photo: Chris Rowan, 2010. Click to enlarge.

As well as being quite handsome to look at, there’s a tantalising glimpse of some interesting geology in the landscape I was flying over. The steep cliff faces indicate layers of hard rock – probably sandstone or limestone. The fact that there is a series of them suggests that there are some softer, more easily eroded layers – a mudstone, perhaps? – between them. In the second picture, the formations are dipping into the earth, away from the direction I am flying in; so in a sense, my flight is taking me back in time, a story of past Earths and changing environments rewound below me as I travel onwards. The final picture is particularly tantalising, though: it shows a double ridge, which looks to me like two closely-spaced sandstone or limestone beds tipped almost up on their ends, so that they are plunging almost vertically into the Earth. That suggests folding. And you know how I like folding.

The problem is that I’m not sure exactly where I was in the western US when I took these photos. I was definitely closer to Phoenix than Chicago, but I’m not sure if I was snapping Arizona, Colorado or Utah. Perhaps one of my readers can help? Consider it a challenge: a Where On (Not Google) Earth, if you will.

Categories: geopuzzling, outcrops, photos, structures

Geobloggers for DonorsChoose: Deep Sea News

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonDuring Earth Science Week, your friendly Highly Allochthonous Bloggers are supporting the DonorsChoose Science Bloggers for Students challenge by pointing our readers to the projects endorsed by some of our fellow geobloggers. Today the spotlight shines on the pirate-anical gang at Deep Sea News. As well as being a firm supporter of quality science education in schools, DSN Stalwart Kevin Zelnio has a personal stake in their drive:

These impoverished schools are the schools I am sending my son to, and next year my daughter. These impoverished families – who cannot afford school supplies, have jobless parents and qualify for free lunches – is my family.

The list of worthy projects that the DSN team is endorsing includes a soon-to-expire proposal to buy a salt water aquarium so that first-graders can get a close-up look at ocean creatures. They’re also going to be learning about Paleozoic ocean life from hundreds of million years ago – perhaps they’ll be doing both and raising a horseshoe crab! If you can spare a few dollars, head over and donate – and help to provide kids like Kevin’s with the education they deserve.

I’d also like to thank everyone who as donated through the Geology and Ocean bloggers collective so far. You’ve raised almost $2000 dollars for the benefit of almost 1500 children – and your generosity compares well with some prominent blog networks. Keep it up!

Categories: public science, science education