One year ago today: Into the icy Weddell Sea and Antarctic Sound

A post by Anne JeffersonA post by Chris Rowan One year ago today was a day of icy splendor, with plenty of penguins too. We’ve already shown you some of our photos from this portion of the trip, in our explainer on ice in a multitude of forms. Here’s a bit more of what we experienced on 22nd December 2013.

Lightly edited from Anne’s shipboard journal:

“We got up at 5 am to see the Weddell Sea. The ship had traveled overnight down the length of the Antarctic Sound, known as “Iceberg Alley”, and was going to nose into the ice-choked Weddell Sea while rounding the volcanic Rosamel Island* before traveling back up the Antarctic Sound to a stop on Joinville Island.

The ship's map of our voyage along the Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding islands. The blue box near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula indicates where we were on 22 December. Click for a larger version.

The ship’s map of our voyage along the Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding islands. The blue box near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula indicates where we were on 22 December. Click for a larger version.

At 5 am, the light was amazing and the sea was dead calm and glassy. I didn’t know seas could be that calm. We could see the ripples out from penguins which were “porpoising” and occasionally jumping off ice floes. As far as the Weddell Sea, you couldn’t so much see it as sense its vast iciness and think back to Nordenskjöld, Larsen and the crew of the Antarctic getting stuck and overwintering near here a century ago.”

Tabular iceberg in the Weddell Sea, 22 December 2013. Photo by A. Jefferson

Tabular iceberg in the Weddell Sea, 22 December 2013. Photo by A. Jefferson

Icy scene in the Weddell Sea, 22 December 2013, photo by A. Jefferson.

Icy scene in the Weddell Sea, 22 December 2013, photo by A. Jefferson.

Antarctic Sound, 22 December 2013, photo by A. Jefferson

Antarctic Sound, 22 December 2013, photo by A. Jefferson

Later there was a landing on Joinville Island and Chris went ashore. Here’s what he had to say in his shipboard journal: “After cruising back along the glassy Antarctic Sound, our morning stop was at the Madder Cliffs in Kinnes Cove [of Joinville Island]. I was in one of the earlier zodiacs, was turned out to be a good thing as right after I landed, the expedition staff decided it was too risky in the heavy swell to land any more zodiacs. The landing was advertised as a place you could watch the Adelie penguins “commute” from their rookeries higher up the cliffs from the shore, but most of the action was at the shore itself. At least one of the Adelie penguins at one of the lower rookeries had a chick, and I got some great pictures of a queue of feeding Adelies hurling themselves off a rocky promontory one by one.”

Penguins at Kinnes Cove

Penguins at Kinnes Cove, overlooking Antarctic Sound. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Adele Penguins at Kinnes Cove,

Adele Penguins at Kinnes Cove, Antarctica. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Nesting Penguins at Kinnes Cove,

Nesting Penguins at Kinnes Cove, Antarctica. Bare rock close to the shore is prime real estate. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

An Adele Penguin guards her chick

An Adele Penguin guards her chick, Kinnes Cove, Antarctica. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

It turned out that this was also our first look at the third of the three penguin species we saw on our trip: the orange-beaked Gentoos.

Nesting Gentoo penguins, Kinnes Cove

Nesting Gentoo penguins, Kinnes Cove, Antarctica. You can see a glimpse of an egg in the topmost nest. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

And here’s the Adeles on their feeding commute:

Returning to Anne’s journal:

“The landing sounded a bit tricky, so GeoKid and I opted to take only a zodiac tour instead. But the zodiac ride was amazing. GeoKid got to sit at the front as we zipped among the bergy bits, watched penguins hop from the rocks into the water, and saw a penguin “birthday party” (i.e., lots of penguins on a flat bock of ice). We also saw a floe with a seal resting on it and saw a penguin leap right up onto the ice next to it. Then the Weddell seal stretched, flexed, and posed for a photo.

What GeoKid called a "penguin party" near Joinville Island, 22 December 2013. Photo by  A. Jefferson

What GeoKid called a “penguin party” near Joinville Island, 22 December 2013. Photo by A. Jefferson

A Weddell seal shows off near Joinville Island, 22 December 2013. Photo by A. Jefferson.

A Weddell seal shows off near Joinville Island, 22 December 2013. Photo by A. Jefferson.

After lunch, we looked out on deck at some very large icebergs and caught a distant view of Argentina’s Esperanza station at Hope Bay. Chris wrote “The early afternoon cruise toward Bransfield Strait involved a cruise past one of several large tabular icebergs in the vicinity. It was a nice exercise in being made to feel small, as the tabular berg in question was a good half kilometer wide and long, and its steep icy sides projected a good 40-50 m above our little ship. There was also a small mass wasting event on the side we buzzed, which I managed to accidentally catch on video. I only realized it had happened when I saw the splash of icy fragments expanding away from the cliffs.”

Cruising around a tabular iceberg in Antarctic Sound.

Cruising around a tabular iceberg in Antarctic Sound, also known as ‘Iceberg Alley’ for some reason. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Our ship was rather dwarfed by the enormous size of these things.

Our ship was rather dwarfed by the enormous size of these things. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Two tabular icebergs, sitting in a row...

Two tabular icebergs, sitting in a row… Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

*More on Rosamel Island: Rosamel Island is part of the James Ross Island volcanic group (1-5 Ma), which “probably represent[s] the eroded remnants of an extensive basaltic plateau which was essentially confined to the south-eastern side of the Trinity Peninsula and the offlying islands.” The group is largely absent from the Antarctic Peninsula mainland, suggesting a strong structural control on the distribution of volcanism. Rosamel Island appears to be comprised of “yellow tuff”, including “primary pyroclastic material with palagonite, some also containing dark subaerial bombs and scoria, and a variety of redistributed facies showing current bedding and wash-out structures (Baker et al., 1973, British Antarctic Survey Bulletin).”

Rosamel Island, viewed from Antarctic Sound. Photo by A. Jefferson.

Rosamel Island, viewed from Antarctic Sound. Photo by A. Jefferson.

Categories: Antarctica, by Anne, ice and glaciers, volcanoes

One year ago today: first icebergs, first Antarctic landing, first penguins!

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonA fortunate consequence of a calmer Drake Passage is that our progress across it was quite speedy. When we woke on the morning of the southern hemisphere’s summer solstice, we had nothing but steel blue seas and seabirds for company.

View from our porthole

A solstice morning view from our cabin. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

But by the early afternoon, we had caught our first glimpse of icebergs, a sign that a big continental ice sheet was in the vicinity. It’s a little mind-blowing to think that these frozen shards contain water that fell as snow somewhere on Antarctica possibly hundreds or even thousands of years ago, and is now being returned to the ocean by breaking off the end of a glacier and eventually melting. A slow-motion water cycle in action.

Iceberg in the Drake Passage

Iceberg ahoy! Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

A little later, we caught our first glimpse of Antarctica itself, as the South Shetland Islands pulled into view. Although as was almost always the case, the visible ‘land’ was just a thin dark rind between the sea below and the massive ice sheet above. There is a lot of ice in Antarctica.

King George Island, South Shetlands

King George Island, largest of the South Shetlands. What you think is the lowest bank of clouds is in fact the top of the ice sheet. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

We were able to take advantage of the longest day of the year to squeeze in our first landing, on Penguin Island.

Island on the starboard bow!

Island on the starboard bow! Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

We’ve already given you the highlights of this landing on a recently active volcano, but we can’t leave Penguin island without giving you some obligatory penguins.

Weddell Seal with Adele and Chinstrap penguins for scale

Weddell Seal with Adele and Chinstrap penguins for scale, Penguin Island. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

We also encountered a sad reminder that this wilderness has not been untouched by the hand of humanity: our landing beach was strewn with ribs and vertebrae of whales dragged ashore for processing in the late 19th and earlier 20th century.

Whale bones on Penguin Island.

Whale bones with penguins for scale, Penguin Island. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013

Categories: Antarctica, photos

One year ago today: crossing the Drake Passage

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonEven starting off as far south as Ushuaia, it’s a long way to Antarctica – almost 1000 km of open water. We got a peek at the chart below whilst touring the bridge of the Corinthian – they have computer charts nowadays, of course, but as geologists we still have a soft spot for the paper variety.

A chart showing our heading across the Drake Passage. Photo: Anne Jefferson, 2013.

A chart showing our heading across the Drake Passage. Photo: Anne Jefferson, 2013.

The Drake Passage is not known as the calmest bodies of water on the planet – quite the contrary in fact. But we were fortunate: whilst there was still a noticeable swell, it was hardly the sort of whether that required us to use the straps on the beds in our cabins. But despite having no impediment to a bracing tour of the upper decks, the only thing to see other than grey ocean was the company of seabirds tracking our route – probably because we were the only thing of interest for them, too.

Storm Petrels above the stormy seas of the Drake.

Storm Petrels above the stormy seas of the Drake. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013

Categories: Antarctica, photos

One year ago today: our Antarctic voyage begins

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonYou may recall that last Christmas, your intrepid bloggers managed to find ourselves on the trip of a lifetime to the Antarctic. We’re pretty sure that Geokid was Santa’s most southerly delivery on Christmas Eve. We have posted the odd photo of our trip, but somehow in a very hectic year we have not shared as many of the amazing sights, sounds and memories of our cruise around the Antarctic Peninsula as we would have liked – and we’d like to change that. So over the next few days, we’re going to indulge in a bit of time travel and show you what we were up to this time last year. Life is still busy, so there’s no guarantee of much insightful commentary, but quite frankly, it’s mostly unnecessary. And I think we can guarantee penguins. Lots of penguins.

So: exactly one year ago today, the fair ship Corinthian departed Ushuaia in Southern Argentina, heading east along the Beagle Channel (yes, that Beagle). That morning, we had gotten an all-too-brief taste of the spectacular scenery of Tierra del Fuego National Park up close: now, aided by some rather spectacular evening weather, we got a slightly wider view.

Lago Roca, Tierra del Fuego National Park.

Lago Roca, Tierra del Fuego National Park. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Looking west along the Beagle Channel

Looking west along the Beagle Channel. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

As the sun went down, the mountains were being left behind and the open ocean was beckoning.

Cruising towards the eastern end of the Beagle Channel. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Cruising towards the eastern end of the Beagle Channel. Photo: Chris Rowan, 2013.

Categories: Antarctica, photos

Come research with us!

A post by Chris RowanIt’s a truth universally acknowledged that a university professor with an active research program must be in want of grad students. MS and PhD students are generally the people who actually do all of the interesting science that we never seem to have time for any more, whilst learning valuable technical and analytical skills that will open up interesting future careers for themselves.

Both Anne and I have plenty of interesting scientific problems that we just need enthusiastic students to get started on solving (although we obviously differ on exactly what we define as an ‘interesting scientific problem’); and right now, our department is accepting applications for our graduate program that we are hoping will send some our way. Together with a couple of our colleagues in the department, we put together the ad below to give potential applicants an idea of the sort of research projects on offer – which run all across the earth science spectrum, from hydrology to biogeochemistry to environmental mineralogy to to plate tectonics.

MS or PhD student opportunities in Earth Science Department of Geology, Kent State University

Successful applicants will join the Department of Geology at Kent State University in August 2015 (Fall Semester). Support will be a combination of teaching and research assistantships (including tuition and health insurance) and is available for 2 years for MS students and 4 years for PhD students. The Department of Geology has over 30 active graduate students and a wide variety of analytical facilities. We have vigorous ties with faculty in Biological Sciences, Geography, and Architecture.

Hydrology/Geomorphology: Opportunities are available working with Dr. Anne Jefferson ( in the Watershed Hydrology Lab. Research will involve a significant field component, but may also include stable isotope and water quality lab work and GIS analyses. A specific project will be chosen based on mutual interests from, the following possible projects:

  • Quantifying effects of green infrastructure on water and nutrient budgets;
  • Isotopic variability of surface waters in northeastern Ohio, as a function of urban land uses and groundwater-surface water interaction; and
  • Controls on stream morphology and sediment export within Cuyahoga Valley National Park at Holocene, multi-century, and modern timescales.

Tectonics/Geophysics: Dr. Chris Rowan ( is seeking graduate students with interests in tectonic processes and/or paleo- and rock magnetism. Research will focus on unravelling global and regional patterns of tectonic deformation by integrating field data with laboratory and modelling studies. Potential projects include:

  • Reconstructing strain evolution at collisional plate boundaries;
  • Studying the history and drivers of global plate motions;
  • Analogue modelling of complex deforming regions.

Environmental Geochemistry/Biogeochemistry: Dr. Elizabeth Herndon ( is seeking graduate students to conduct research related to environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry ( Projects will include a combination of field work, laboratory experiments, and spectroscopy. Students will operate analytical instruments to characterize soil and water chemistry. Recent projects include:

  • Human impacts on soil geochemistry and mineral weathering
  • Influence of vegetation on element transport through watersheds
  • Geochemical drivers of organic matter decomposition in anoxic tundra soils

Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Opportunities are available to work with Dr. David Singer ( in the Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry Lab. Research involves laboratory and field experiments on the fate and transport of trace metal in the environment, with a focus on water-energy systems. Experimental work includes Synchrotron-based X-ray experiments. Recent projects include:

  • Metal speciation and distribution in the Marcellus shale
  • Transformations of iron (oxy)hydroxides in acid mine drainage settings
  • Soil development on coal mine tailings
  • Ion sorption and diffusion into mesoporous materials

Interested students should have a background in geology, earth science, chemistry, hydrology/water resources, or civil and environmental engineering. Strong applicants will have a solid academic record (>3.5/4.0 GPA, >70th percentile on GRE) and previous research experience. Applicants not meeting these criteria will also be considered based on a compelling letter of interest. Interested students should contact their prospective advisor by December 15th, 2014. Please send a letter of interest (including your academic and research background and specific research interests), unofficial transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references. Completion of a formal application through the Graduate School is required by January 15th, 2015, and information on this process can be found at

If you are looking for the chance to gain your graduate degree with us or one of our equally cool colleagues, we look forward to hearing from you.

Categories: academic life