A map of wonderful magnetic things

Wilkins has been letting guest bloggers rain on my geological parade. Fortunately for him, it has brought this little gem to my attention – a global map (the BBC is providing a link to a larger pdf version) of variations in the magnetisation of the Earth’s crust.


The Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (click on the image for a larger version in your browser)

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Categories: geology, geophysics

Catching up

I’m back, tired and a little sun-scorched, from my trip to Northern Cape (northwest South Africa). Since my brain is still feeling quite fried after the 800 km drive back to Johannesburg yesterday, all I’m really doing today is catching up on what’s new in my absence.

  • Mount Kelud still hasn’t erupted, despite intense seismic activity beneath the volcano on Saturday – but it looks like the false alarm was a temporary reprieve at best (check out the photo of smoke rising from the crater lake in the sidebar of the last link).

  • Julia and Brian have both commented on the distressing news that the BBC have decided to solve the problem of finding a replacement for David Attenborough by eliminating the need for one: the Beeb is acting as a lion to the wildebeest of its Natural History Unit, and axing a third of the unit’s staff, with just 10 out of 33 researchers surviving. I foresee a repeat of the decline of the once-great Horizon, and I despair. Oh, and BBC? You’ve just neutered one of the more compelling arguments for the license fee. Well done.

  • Given my post on the controversy over the teaching of evolution in South Africa, it was rather apt that we had a near run-in with a creationist on last week’s excursion: the landlady of the guesthouse we were using presented us with a thick anti-evolution (senso “all of modern science”) screed, which one of her neighbours – clearly less impressed by our talk of billions of years than she was – asked her to pass on to us as a prelude to a discussion which didn’t take place. This is probably fortunate – I’m getting a little tired of being handed books which will apparently convince me of The Truth, despite their blatant parodying of science, outright lying through the use of misquotes, and reliance on sweeping declarations in bolded, underlined capitals rather than anything resembling actual evidence or reasoned argument. It was therefore encouraging on my return to be pointed to some home-grown resistance to antiscientific thinking down here, in the form of this post over at Prometheus Unbound, by George Claasen of Sceptic South Africa.

  • Yami kindly included my ramblings on gender issues in academia in the latest Scientiae carnival, even though I suspect it was more valuable for me to write than for others to read – I’m in a quite different mental place from where I was even a year ago in my thinking about these issues, and I’m still not sure I’m expressing it particularly coherently.

  • Lab Lemming has rather amusingly translated an annoying Avril Lavigne song into an academic milieu. There’s a video just asking to be made.

  • Greg Laden has joined Scienceblogs – and it looks like I really need to talk with the overlords about my contract.

Did I miss anything else of interest?

Categories: links

In the field

I’ve been asked to go and help out with some fieldwork in Northern Cape. It was on quite short notice, and I was feeling a little bit flu-ridden over the weekend, so this blog will probably be quiet for the next week or so.
I feel less annoyed about being too poor and distant to attend the GSA conference now…

Categories: bloggery

Pay Attention!

I have to make a troubling admission: when it comes to gender issues in academia, my internal monologue has often been rather silent. What is more, until relatively recently, I didn’t see this as a problem: given that a person’s sex is irrelevant to questions of scientific worth or ability, then surely not being overly preoccupied by gender is the ideal we’re all striving for? I suspect that this attitude is quite common amongst men of my generation, and to a certain extent the thought behind it is honourable; but recently, I’ve started to realise that not only is such a philosophy at best rather naïve, it is also only sustainable if one remains determinedly oblivious to current realities.

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Categories: academic life

South African creationists: out, proud and part of the teaching staff

A few weeks ago, I was wondering about the attitudes to the teaching of evolution here in South Africa – it’s now in the curriculum, but in a form which sounds disturbingly familiar to those of us who have encountered the weasel words of the Discovery Institute and their clones. Such fears are well-founded if this account of the opinions expressed at a recent teacher’s conference is anything to go by:

At a recent conference on teacher training, a teacher said: “I am disappointed about the fact that evolution attacks God’s creation. It also mixes Genesis with idol worshippers of Babylon, which were never there when God created planet Earth.”

Another said he thought the topic should be voluntary because he didn’t think it suitable for people who believe in God. “I am totally against evolution,” another teacher said.

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Categories: antiscience