Category Archives: tectonics

Reverberations of the Honshu tsunami

On Friday 11 March 2011, when the fault ruptured off of the Japanese coast in a M9.0 earthquake, it caused a sudden vertical movement of the seafloor, displacing the water above it and transferring energy to the ocean. As the … Continue reading

Categories: basics, by Anne, geohazards, tectonics

Magnitude 8.9 (or 9.0, or 9.1!) Earthquake off the coast of Japan

Around 3pm local time yesterday, there was a massive earthquake about 100 miles off the east coast of northern Honshu Island, Japan. Initially calculated to be a magnitude 8.9, it has since been upgraded: the current CMT solution at the … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, focal mechanisms, geohazards, tectonics

Aftershocks, triggered earthquakes, and Christchurch’s seismic future

As more scientific information becomes available regarding last week’s magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch, we can look a bit more closely at the nature of this earthquake, how it fits into the overall tectonic picture in New Zealand, and future … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, geohazards, society, tectonics

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake rocks Christchurch

[Note: see the bottom of this post for the latest updates and links – last update 26th February]. A few hours ago, Christchurch, the largest city on the South Island of New Zealand, was once again shaken by a large … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, focal mechanisms, geohazards, society, tectonics

Friday Focal Mechanism: Magnitude 7.2, Western Pakistan

Why are we getting an extensional earthquake at a convergent plate boundary? Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, focal mechanisms, geophysics, tectonics