Category Archives: tectonics

Friday focal mechanisms

A brief summary of the week’s large earthquakes and their tectonic context.
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Categories: earthquakes, geology, tectonics

Creeping fault segments are showing their age

Do faults get weaker as they get older?
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Categories: earthquakes, geology, paper reviews, tectonics

Old tectonic scars run deep: the magnitude 5.0 earthquake in Ontario

The location of yesterday’s earthquake in Canada was controlled by tectonic processes that operated, and ceased, hundreds of millions of years ago.
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Categories: deep time, earthquakes, geohazards, geology, structures, tectonics

Lava lake tectonics

In the crater of Erte Ale, we can see processes that take tens of miliions of years on a global scale happening in just a few hours.
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Categories: geology, tectonics, volcanoes

Tectonics of the Qinghai Earthquake

Late on Tuesday (or Wednesday morning local time) western China was shaken by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake. The focal mechanism, courtesy of the USGS, tells us that it occured on a strike-slip fault like the San Andreas fault and the … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, geology, tectonics