Category Archives: public science

In defence of the scientific paper

Janet brings us some rather vitriolic criticism by Sir Peter Medewar: The scientific paper in its orthodox form does embody a totally mistaken conception, even a travesty, of the nature of scientific thought. The argument seems to be that the … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, public science, publication

Am I missing something?

I’m naturally as pleased as the next geologist (or biologist, or philosopher) to see a strong anti-ID statement from the UK government. But didn’t we sort out this nonsense last year? Any updates from UK readers would be appreciated.

Categories: antiscience, public science

Tony Blair liked science, but he didn’t understand it

Why an interview with Tony Blair about science was so very disappointing
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Categories: public science, ranting

Blogging and ‘Fair Use’

Update: The awesome power of the blogosphere has got Shelley an apology (see also this comment for some welcome clarification on her usage rights). Whilst this is great news, I think that the murky issues of where blogs stand with … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, bloggery, public science

The case of the THC “shutdown”: why science is a never-ending story

All this fuss about the “F-word” should not distract from the fact that the mainstream media has problems reporting a science story even if we do pitch it right. Take, for example, Bryden et al.‘s 2005 Nature paper, which reported … Continue reading

Categories: climate science, public science