Category Archives: public science

Trilobites didn’t go extinct…

…they just evolved into beings of pure electromagnetism and infested the sun. I know that we humans are prone to finding familiar patterns in weird places, but I have to say I find the claimed resemblance less than compelling. When … Continue reading

Categories: planets, public science

Phases of belief

Old but possibly still interesting thoughts on the ‘meanie atheist’ debate
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Categories: antiscience, public science

Do geologists fear the interweb?

I’ve been pondering this question for a while now, and Brian’s discussion about a possible geology blog carnival gives it some topicality: why is it that so few geologists seem to have exploited the possibilities provided by the internet? Even … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, public science

Ill-served by press releases?

Should scientists add a ‘lay statement’ for public consumption to their papers?
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Categories: earthquakes, geohazards, public science

My drowning homeland

Pictures, and thoughts, on the recent flooding in the UK
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Categories: climate science, environment, public science