Category Archives: public science

A presidential science debate?

It’s a curious state of 21st century affairs when a person’s suitability for leading the world’s most powerful nation hinges more on whether they mouth the right Christian platitudes than on whether they understand the difference between a Bronze age … Continue reading

Categories: public science

Boarding the BPR3 juggernaut

Regulars in the science blogosphere have probably already heard about the Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting (BPR3) Initiative, which aims to provide a means of highlighting blog entries which eschew regurgitation of press releases about recently published research and instead … Continue reading

Categories: public science

Global attitudes to climate change

The BBC have just released the results of a global survey of attitudes to anthropogenic climate change, and it makes interesting reading.
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Categories: climate science, public science

Peru’s new crater extra-terrestrial, but illness not

One of the main risks of our media-saturated world is that although events can make it onto our TV and computer screens with unrivaled speed, this does not necessarily mean we have any idea of what’s actually going on, which … Continue reading

Categories: geology, planets, public science

19th century geologists slandered again

Are folks at the University of Bristol intentionally trying to annoy me? In the very same week that I write about the abundant signs of old age in the rock record, they put out a press release which states: By … Continue reading

Categories: deep time, geology, public science