Category Archives: public science

Geologists in the movies: the myth of the maverick

[submitted for The Accretionary Wedge #7] It’s a fact of life that scientific accuracy is not generally at the top of Hollywood’s to-do list when making a movie. Any scientist can no doubt recall multiple occasions when their ability to … Continue reading

Categories: public science, ranting

Outcrops on the Interweb

Callan wonders if Google Maps (or, indeed, Google Earth) could be used to create a spatial directory of interesting geological localities: One thing that I found frustrating and limiting in my first few years of teaching was that there was … Continue reading

Categories: geology, public science

Don’t let ScienceDebate 2008 be stood up

It’s been interesting to watch the ScienceDebate 2008 campaign snowball over the past couple of months, but things are about to get even more interesting: a time (April 18th) and a place (the Franklin Insitute in Philadelphia) have been decided … Continue reading

Categories: public science

To BPR3, or not to BPR3?

A minor scandal prompts some interesting navel gazing
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Categories: bloggery, general science, public science

Write for Nature in 2008

I’ve just been finishing off my final piece for the Nature Post-doc Journal, and it occurred to me that they’re probably looking for people to replace me next year. Sure enough, they are: The Postdoc Journal gives four postdoctoral fellows … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, public science