Category Archives: public science

Geological analogies of the tectonic kind

Callan asks: What are some of your favorite analogies for explaining geological concepts to other people? Teaching through analogy – explaining new concepts to people by referring to things that they know or understand already – can be a powerful … Continue reading

Categories: geology, public science, tectonics

Some calls to arms

Just a couple of things for fellow geoblogospherians to consider, if you haven’t already. Firstly, Maria is participating in the Donors Choose funding drive. The projects that she’s trying to get funded are all aimed at bringing geological goodness to … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, public science

How I got into blogging

Some navel-gazing to mark my third blogoversary.
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Categories: bloggery, public science

While I’m asking you for your opinions…

The Seed overlords would like to find a little bit more about who you are. If you take the time to complete this survey, you are rewarded with the chance to win Apple stuff. Some of my fellow Sciblings have … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, public science

California gears up for the largest earthquake drill in history

Thermochronic has already written about this, but just in case you missed it, the Great Southern California Shakeout, an interesting exercise in raising earthquake awareness amongst the denizens of Los Angeles and its environs, is taking place in November. The … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, geohazards, public science