Category Archives: public science

What do you know about the Snowball Earth?

An informal poll – please respond.
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Categories: geology, past worlds, Proterozoic, public science

Publication and Publicity

What’s a science blogger to do when the media is awash with stories about a paper that hasn’t been published yet? This was the dilemma I was faced with last week when I started reading stories about

Categories: public science, publication

OpenLab 2008: more geobloggery needed. Much more

Time is running out to submit entries for the next edition of the Open Laboratory blogging anthology, and running down Bora’s latest list of posts submitted so far reveals very few geologically-themed ones. In fact, I could find but two: … Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, public science

AAPG Day 2: showdown at the Lusi corral

Was the mud volcano drilling or earthquake-triggered? The AAPG decides…
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Categories: academic life, conferences, earthquakes, geohazards, Lusi, public science, volcanoes