Category Archives: past worlds

Pangaea Day, geology-style

A brief geographic trip into the late Triassic.
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Categories: deep time, geology, Mesozoic, past worlds

What’s up with those Archean sandstones?

In addition to searching out evidence for Archean microbial mats, my revisitation of the Pongola sandstones gave me the chance to look a bit more closely at their lithology. When I last posted pictures from this sequence, there was a … Continue reading

Categories: Archean, fieldwork, geology, geopuzzling, past worlds

Archean bacterial mats under the hammer

Geovandalism rears it’s ugly head once more.
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Categories: Archean, fieldwork, fossils, geology, paper reviews, past worlds, ranting

Sadly, not sandworms

The answer to Friday’s geopuzzler
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Categories: Archean, fossils, geology, past worlds, Proterozoic

How the air we breathe became breathable

What geology tells us about the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere.
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Categories: Archean, geochemistry, geology, paper reviews, past worlds, Proterozoic