Category Archives: general science

Mountain musings 2: What’s God got to do with it?

A meditation on different perspectives on, and responses to, natural grandeur.
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Categories: bloggery, general science

Mountain musings 1: The hard climb of science

Making the philosophical best out of getting lost in the mountains
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Categories: academic life, general science


I think that I’ve figured out the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs’ problem. When the Aetogate scandal whipped up enough fuss to force them to hold an official inquiry, they pulled ‘Inquiries 101’ off the shelf, only to discover … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, general science

Battleships in space!

Kind of. The ultimate recycling story.
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Categories: general science

To BPR3, or not to BPR3?

A minor scandal prompts some interesting navel gazing
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Categories: bloggery, general science, public science