Category Archives: general science

Expanding Earth “Philosophy”: Fail

Or should that be FAIL?
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Categories: antiscience, general science, geology, tectonics

The best field areas are the ones that you haven’t seen yet

A scarily long time ago, now, I spent a summer walking around a small area in North Wales, just south of Snowdon. This was the field area for my undergraduate mapping project, which was a big turning point in my … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, fieldwork, general science

When the hell are we?

Whenever you’re trying to talk about science to a broader audience, one of the major challenges is cutting out the jargon. Sometimes, though, the real difficulty is not so much in translating the jargon, as identifying it in the first … Continue reading

Categories: deep time, general science, geology

Update: Aetogate

It’s no surprise that neither Bill Parker nor Jeff Martz were particularly impressed with the inquiry that wasn’t, and they’ve both posted responses that should have been solicited anyway over at Mike Taylor’s site. It’s of particular interest to me … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, general science

Bloggers and blogging in Nature Geoscience

Given some of the other shenanigans that were percolating through the geoblogosphere yesterday, I was understandably a little bit cautious when I noticed a couple of familiar names popping up in the contents list for Nature Geoscience that arrived in … Continue reading

Categories: general science, public science