Category Archives: general science

What is a manned space programme actually for?

I bet more people currently know the name of a valiant little Mars rover than know the names of the current astronauts on the ISS.
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Categories: general science, planets, ranting

Geospatial data and the web (#scio10 preparation)

What’s available, what should be available, what tools do we need to use them?
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Categories: fieldwork, general science, geology

Fox News: volcanic coal kills off dinosaurs before they even evolved

I’d prefer churnalism to gratuitous insertion of wrong.
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Categories: general science, public science, ranting, science education

A challenge for Earth Science Week

Here in the US, we’re celebrating Earth Science Week and the lead-up to the Geological Society of America meeting. What better time to inspire the next generation of earth scientists and earth science aficionados by helping make sure that good, … Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, general science, science education

Scientists Singing Science

Effective learning through the medium of Johnny Cash?
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Categories: bloggery, general science, public science