Category Archives: fossils

Sadly, not sandworms

The answer to Friday’s geopuzzler
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Categories: Archean, fossils, geology, past worlds, Proterozoic

Bacteria and black smokers go back a long way

I tempered the other week’s repost on some rather impressive 1.5 billion year-old black smoker chimneys, and the fossilised microbes found within them, with some words of caution about the ‘clues to the origin of life’ spin that the discovery … Continue reading

Categories: fossils, geology, paper reviews, Proterozoic

Evolutionary Humour, SA style

The last couple of days have been public holidays here – yesterday was

Categories: bloggery, fossils

The Boneyard #2

Given that it’s only been two weeks since the last one, Brian has amassed a spectacularly long list of palaeontologically-orientated blogging, including my piece on the Precambrian black smokers. But don’t worry, the rest is much better.

Categories: fossils, links

Precambrian black smokers

I’ve been reading a few news items today about fossilized black smoker chimneys from China. This rang a few bells, as I wrote about a paper which talked about exactly the same thing on ye olde blog back in January. … Continue reading

Categories: fossils, geology