Category Archives: environment

Coal and the fossil record of climate change in the Canadian High Arctic

Spectacular fossilized forests in the Canadian High Arctic provide clues to life on a warmer earth. Unless we mine their coal in order to heat our planet back to the Eocene.
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Categories: by Anne, Cenozoic, climate science, environment, fossils, photos

7 glaciers melting

On the 7th day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
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Categories: climate science, environment

Some opinions on geoengineering

including mine.
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Categories: climate science, environment, links

Anthropogenic biomes

“Anthropogenic biomes are in many ways a more accurate description of broad ecological patterns within the current terrestrial biosphere than are conventional biome systems that describe vegetation patterns based on variations in climate and geology.”
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Categories: environment

The puddle that was once a sea

This image, just released from NASA’s Earth Observatory, is both scary and beautiful This is – or was – the Aral Sea*. 50 years ago, it was a substantial body of water. Then, the rivers that fed it were diverted … Continue reading

Categories: environment, geology, photos