Category Archives: basics

Active, dormant, and extinct volcanoes

How do you know your if friendly neighbourhood volcano is dead, or merely dozing?
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Categories: basics, geohazards, geology, volcanoes

Where the Earth’s magnetic field comes from

How modelling the Geodynamo is both hard – and strangely easy…
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Categories: basics, geology, geophysics, palaeomagic, paper reviews

Imbrication and potholes in the Zebra River

Some background on Friday’s geopuzzle
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Categories: basics, geology, geopuzzling

Do we need a new geological epoch?

Anthropocene! Naming a new geological time period after ourselves certainly has a nice dramatic ring to it, even if it smacks of the hubris that got us into our current climatic mess in the first place. But can our species, … Continue reading

Categories: basics, deep time, geology, paper reviews

Annoying misconceptions in Geology

The manglings of geology that get my inner pedant’s teeth grinding
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Categories: basics, geology