Category Archives: academic life

10 years of scientific career evolution: from springs to stormwater, student to teacher

This summer, I’m involved with a super-cool Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program focused on aquatic-terrestrial linkages in urban impacted ecosystems. Undergraduate students come to Kent State for 10 weeks to design, undertake, and present a mentored, independent research project, … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, by Anne, fieldwork, hydrology

1 week down, 3 to go on 28 days of #sciwrite

A week ago, we invited our readers to join in our challenge of making the short month of February into a productive writing month, but sharing our goals and progress. Our invitation was enthusiastically accepted, and we had 21 people … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, publication

28 days of #sciwrite

Back in November 2011, Anne performed an experiment. Anne wanted to see if being publicly accountable for my writing progress would get me to my goal of a paper submission before AGU. She didn’t quite make it, but that month … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, by Anne, publication

Highly Allochthonous at AGU

Find out when and where we’ll be this year. Continue reading

Categories: academic life, conferences

What the kids are interested in these days

One of the courses I teach at Kent is an introductory geology course called ‘Earth Dynamics’. In my first lecture of term last week, I gave my new class a brief survey to get an idea of their previous exposure … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, teaching