Category Archives: academic life

Do geologists fear the interweb?

I’ve been pondering this question for a while now, and Brian’s discussion about a possible geology blog carnival gives it some topicality: why is it that so few geologists seem to have exploited the possibilities provided by the internet? Even … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, public science

August carnival of the postdocs

Head to the splendiferously titled Ways and Means of the Immune System for the August edition of What’s Up Postdoc, in which we junior academic muse over what we would have done differently if we could.

Categories: academic life, links


Long-term readers of this blog may recall that just before I moved out to Johannesburg (and onto Scienceblogs), I got back some rather robust reviews for two papers based on my PhD research which I’d submitted some months previously. Although … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, publication

The lab equipment is willing, but the post-doc is… skiving

When trying to diagnose why the lab computer was refusing to communicate with my magnetometer, I forgot to factor in one very important fact: the computer is running Windows, which can be a little quirky when it comes to dealing … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, bloggery

Damn, I should have been a mineralogist

From CNN Money, of all places, comes a list of the most highly cited authors in Geosciences, courtesy of Thomson Scientific. Top Ten Highly Cited Authors in Geosciences, 1996-2007 Name Institution Department/Specialty Total Number of Citations Frank C. Hawthorne University … Continue reading

Categories: academic life