Category Archives: academic life


I think that I’ve figured out the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs’ problem. When the Aetogate scandal whipped up enough fuss to force them to hold an official inquiry, they pulled ‘Inquiries 101’ off the shelf, only to discover … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, general science

Napalm is not a good fire extinguisher

How not to look innocent when you’re accused of academic misconduct
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Categories: academic life, ranting

State of the post-doc

After a year in Jo’burg, how’s my career going?
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Categories: academic life

Nature Geoscience: cutting edge or consolation prize?

This month saw the launch of the first issue of Nature‘s latest specialist offshoot, Nature Geoscience. This is a monthly publication presumably designed to act as a clearing house for those contributions which don’t quite have the pizzazz to make … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, geology, publication

Two new doctors in the blogging house

Congratulations to Brian and MarkH, who have both just successfully defended their PhD theses*. It’s interesting how the process of getting a PhD differs in different countries. As Mark explains in his post, in the US you don’t start with … Continue reading

Categories: academic life