Category Archives: academic life

AAPG Day 3: poster session outcast

Spot the odd one out, and meet me below the fold: Tilt-Depth Method: A Simple Depth Estimation Method using First Order Magnetic Derivatives. The Use of Multi-Level Potential Field Data in Regional, Geophysical Modelling Satellite Gravity and Geoid Studies Reveal … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, bloggery, conferences

AAPG Day 2: showdown at the Lusi corral

Was the mud volcano drilling or earthquake-triggered? The AAPG decides…
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Categories: academic life, conferences, earthquakes, geohazards, Lusi, public science, volcanoes

Straw poll: poster or talk?

At the moment this post appears, I’ll be standing in a poster booth desperately hoping that at least some petroleum geologists have (a) stuck it out to the bitter end of the conference, and (b) can feign an interest in … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, bloggery

AAPG Day 2: industrial seismologists get all the cool toys.

I don’t need a wall-sized touchscreen, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want one…
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Categories: academic life, conferences, geology, geophysics

AAPG Day 1: rifting models, snowballs, and other miscellany

It has to be said that it’s never been a particular ambition of mine to mix with the luminaries of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Still, lots of interesting research does get done in the name of finding and … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, conferences, geology, tectonics