Category Archives: academic life

Blogging, tweeting and conferences

Does it work? Can it work?
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Categories: academic life, conferences, public science

Last call for women geoscientists reading or writing blogs to take our Survey

The GSA meeting is ~6 weeks away – it must be time to start trying to make sense of the data, right? I’m helping Kim, Zuska, and Pat with a survey of women geoscientists and how they use blogs, and … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, bloggery, by Anne

Surfing the Google Wave

Google Wave is growing on me – but will it change how I do science?
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Categories: academic life, gifts and gadgets

A question of time management

How should I most efficiently chop up my day?
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Categories: academic life

Survey: women geoscientists, blogs and recruitment

Whilst I continue my struggles to regain the blogging muse, here’s a much better use of your time: Over the past several years, the geoscience blogosphere has blossomed so much that this fall, the Geological Society of America (GSA) will … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, by Anne