Author Archives: Anne Jefferson

The Lake Missoula megafloods

the massive floods that shaped the topography, soils, and agriculture of the Pacific Northwest.
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Categories: by Anne, geology, outcrops, past worlds, Pleistocene

Field Pack Amenities

[a post by Anne Jefferson] Adding to the meme begun by Short Geologist (requirements for a field hotel) and followed on by Maria (requirements for a field vehicle), I’ll present my requirements for a field pack. The topic has been … Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, field gear, fieldwork

Where rocks, water, and history intertwine

[a post by Anne Jefferson] “Ten thousand rocks and grassy islets meet the traveler’s eye, ten thousand murmuring streams meander through them. During low water the cattle delight to graze upon the islets…at such times they furnish a curious spectacle … Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, outcrops

Climate variability and climate change: some semantics

What these terms actually mean – and the distinction between them.
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Categories: by Anne, climate science, environment

Hydrogeology is hot!

Whilst transferring hemispheres, hydrogeologist Anne Jefferson has kindly provided another of her excellent guest posts. Close your eyes. (OK, maybe keep them open so you can read the rest of this post.) Imagine a geosciences specialty where there are lots … Continue reading

Categories: academic life, by Anne, geology, hydrology