Author Archives: Anne Jefferson

How to build a meandering river in your basement

Meandering rivers are the most common river form on Earth, yet building a meandering river in a laboratory flume eluded scientists for decades. A new paper in PNAS shows the first results of a self-maintaining, coarse-bedded meandering river in a flume.
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Categories: by Anne, geomorphology

Geobloggers need your help to give kids the Earth (Science)

This year the collective of geo-bloggers is getting in on the DonorsChoose challenge and trying to fund projects that bring Earth Science into the classroom (or bring classrooms outside onto the Earth).
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Categories: bloggery, by Anne

Water in the sky, rocks underfoot, and a little stream to carry it all

The two isolated mountains in Crowders Mountain State Park (NC) have withstood 500 million years of erosion, will they survive a gray and drizzly day with a hydrologist?
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Categories: by Anne, outcrops, photos

Chris takes on geo-engineering on

At, Chris offers up a geologist’s perspective on the latest assessment of geo-engineering schemes to use technology to deter on-going climate change.
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Categories: by Anne, climate science, links

Anthropogenic biomes

“Anthropogenic biomes are in many ways a more accurate description of broad ecological patterns within the current terrestrial biosphere than are conventional biome systems that describe vegetation patterns based on variations in climate and geology.”
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Categories: environment