Author Archives: Anne Jefferson

Where on (Google) Earth #183

Can you identify the location of the mystery image from (Google) Earth and explain why it is of geologic interest?
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Categories: by Anne, outcrops

Coal and the fossil record of climate change in the Canadian High Arctic

Spectacular fossilized forests in the Canadian High Arctic provide clues to life on a warmer earth. Unless we mine their coal in order to heat our planet back to the Eocene.
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Categories: by Anne, Cenozoic, climate science, environment, fossils, photos

Anne’s picks of the December literature

Recently published hydrogeology and geomorphology papers that make my heart sing
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Categories: by Anne, climate science, geochemistry, geomorphology, hydrology, paper reviews, planets

Here comes the sun…

The Earth’s 23.44 degree axial tilt is the reason for the solstice and the seasons.
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Categories: by Anne, planets

Gifts for future hydrologists

Five excellent books about water for ages three and up.
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Categories: by Anne, gifts and gadgets, science education