Author Archives: Anne Jefferson

Anne’s picks of the literature: river and floodplain sediments

These four papers all attempt to understand what controls the sediments that make up the streambed and floodplain and that get preserved in the geologic record. White et al. look at how riffle positions are governed by valley width variations, while Jerolmack and Brzinski find striking similarities in grain size transitions observed in rivers and dune fields. Hart et al. examine the relationship between glacial advances and downstream sediment deposition, while Sambrook Smith et al. investigate the sedimentological record of floods. Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, geomorphology, paper reviews

Geoblogospheric community. What is it good for?

I see ways that we can expand what we are doing, to make our community bolder, more inclusive, and more outwardly focused. Building that sort of community allows us not just to provide camaraderie and support for one another, but also to act as agents of change beyond the borders of the internet. Continue reading

Categories: bloggery, by Anne, public science, science education

Anne’s picks of the June literature: Fluvial Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution

How do rivers erode bedrock streams, during big floods, and in the presence of groundwater? Laboratory and accidental experiments are providing some cool new insights. Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, geomorphology, paper reviews

Anne’s picks of the June literature: Watershed Hydrology

How long does it *really* take water to move through a watershed? Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, hydrology, paper reviews

Anne’s picks of the June literature: Humans as Agents of Hydrologic Change

How large reservoirs affect our measurements of global sea level rise…and how the world’s biggest river basins are going to respond to mid-century climate change Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, climate science, hydrology, paper reviews