It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a university professor with an active research program must be in want of grad students. MS and PhD students are generally the people who actually do all of the interesting science that we never seem to have time for any more, whilst learning valuable technical and analytical skills that will open up interesting future careers for themselves.
Both Anne and I have plenty of interesting scientific problems that we just need enthusiastic students to get started on solving (although we obviously differ on exactly what we define as an ‘interesting scientific problem’); and right now, our department is accepting applications for our graduate program that we are hoping will send some our way. Together with a couple of our colleagues in the department, we put together the ad below to give potential applicants an idea of the sort of research projects on offer – which run all across the earth science spectrum, from hydrology to biogeochemistry to environmental mineralogy to to plate tectonics.
MS or PhD student opportunities in Earth Science Department of Geology, Kent State University
Successful applicants will join the Department of Geology at Kent State University in August 2015 (Fall Semester). Support will be a combination of teaching and research assistantships (including tuition and health insurance) and is available for 2 years for MS students and 4 years for PhD students. The Department of Geology has over 30 active graduate students and a wide variety of analytical facilities. We have vigorous ties with faculty in Biological Sciences, Geography, and Architecture.
Hydrology/Geomorphology: Opportunities are available working with Dr. Anne Jefferson ( in the Watershed Hydrology Lab. Research will involve a significant field component, but may also include stable isotope and water quality lab work and GIS analyses. A specific project will be chosen based on mutual interests from, the following possible projects:
- Quantifying effects of green infrastructure on water and nutrient budgets;
- Isotopic variability of surface waters in northeastern Ohio, as a function of urban land uses and groundwater-surface water interaction; and
- Controls on stream morphology and sediment export within Cuyahoga Valley National Park at Holocene, multi-century, and modern timescales.
Tectonics/Geophysics: Dr. Chris Rowan ( is seeking graduate students with interests in tectonic processes and/or paleo- and rock magnetism. Research will focus on unravelling global and regional patterns of tectonic deformation by integrating field data with laboratory and modelling studies. Potential projects include:
- Reconstructing strain evolution at collisional plate boundaries;
- Studying the history and drivers of global plate motions;
- Analogue modelling of complex deforming regions.
Environmental Geochemistry/Biogeochemistry: Dr. Elizabeth Herndon ( is seeking graduate students to conduct research related to environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry ( Projects will include a combination of field work, laboratory experiments, and spectroscopy. Students will operate analytical instruments to characterize soil and water chemistry. Recent projects include:
- Human impacts on soil geochemistry and mineral weathering
- Influence of vegetation on element transport through watersheds
- Geochemical drivers of organic matter decomposition in anoxic tundra soils
Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Opportunities are available to work with Dr. David Singer ( in the Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry Lab. Research involves laboratory and field experiments on the fate and transport of trace metal in the environment, with a focus on water-energy systems. Experimental work includes Synchrotron-based X-ray experiments. Recent projects include:
- Metal speciation and distribution in the Marcellus shale
- Transformations of iron (oxy)hydroxides in acid mine drainage settings
- Soil development on coal mine tailings
- Ion sorption and diffusion into mesoporous materials
Interested students should have a background in geology, earth science, chemistry, hydrology/water resources, or civil and environmental engineering. Strong applicants will have a solid academic record (>3.5/4.0 GPA, >70th percentile on GRE) and previous research experience. Applicants not meeting these criteria will also be considered based on a compelling letter of interest. Interested students should contact their prospective advisor by December 15th, 2014. Please send a letter of interest (including your academic and research background and specific research interests), unofficial transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references. Completion of a formal application through the Graduate School is required by January 15th, 2015, and information on this process can be found at
If you are looking for the chance to gain your graduate degree with us or one of our equally cool colleagues, we look forward to hearing from you.
Nice plan for content warnings on Mastodon and the Fediverse. Now you need a Mastodon/Fediverse button on this blog.