To Cape Town!

Right, I’m off to Cape Town for an action-packed few days. First, Christie has persuaded me to give a talk at her home University, hopefully followed by a beer or seven – after being beaten over the head with paleomagnetic terminology, my audience will almost certainly need it.
Over the weekend, I’ll have the chance to do some sightseeing, which will hopefully include a view from Table Mountain, although the weather might scupper that. Then, from Monday to Wednesday, I’m attending the AAPG International Conference. By a convoluted route I’ve ended up with a poster to present in Wednesday afternoon’s ‘Advances in Gravity and Magnetics’ session. There’s a few other interesting-looking sessions in between, including a session devoted to everyone’s favorite mud volcano, where the “man-made” and “earthquake triggered” camps will face off against each other and turn the air mildly turquiose with cutting remarks. And, since it’s a while since I gave you the latest satellite image, here it is:


Depending on the state of internet access, I might try some conference live-blogging. No promises, though.
As an added bonus, Jeanette from Ten Million Years of Solitude is also in town, so it looks like a small geoblogger meet-up is also on the cards. If any other readers happen to be in town, let me know.

Categories: academic life, bloggery, Lusi

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