New at Erratics – Biofuels: state of the science and industry

Will Dalen Rice becomes our fourth contributor to Earth Science Erratics with the first of three posts on The Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference, held in Washington, DC in April. Will offers the newbie’s perspective on the state of the biofuels science and industry. He writes:

When looking at ways to reduce our energy dependence on foreign countries, biofuels are one solution. In an attempt to learn more about biofuels, I subscribe to and receive a daily newsletter about the biofuels industry. In early 2011, I found out about the Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference in April. I figured I would go to this conference and learn about what biofuels were. The scope of this conference ended up being way beyond the basics, spending most of its time over my head. So, hopefully I can condense and recount what was presented, despite a much less “advanced” understanding of the products and practices of the biofuels industry.

Read the rest of his post on Erratics.

Will previously blogged at Highly Allochthonous on the topic of carbon capture and storage and urban streams with green walls.

Remember: Earth Science Erratics welcomes contributions from anyone who is tempted to dip their toes into the geoblogging waters, for one post or several, or from new bloggers who want to promote their work through cross-posting. If you’re interested, please contact us.

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