Death Valley Dispatches

If you’re bored with the recent metabloggery here (don’t worry, I’m done, and with ‘nary a mention of the F-word), you could do much worse than to head over to The Dynamic Earth, where Eric has been posting an excellent and highly photo-giferous series describing his recent field trip to Death Valley.
Day 0.5: Devonian Spring Mountain Carbonates (carbonates galore).
Day 1: Meiklejohn Peak and the Death Valley Sand Dunes (zebra rock and modern day dunes).
Day 2.0: Furnace Creek Fm (lots of cool sedimentary structures).
Day 2.5: The Tufa Pinnacles near Trona, CA (suggestively shaped carbonates).
Day 3: The Break-up of Rodinia (Neoproterozoic sequence with alleged Snowball Earth deposits).
Day 4: Ubehebe Crater and Race Track Playa (volcanoes and wandering rocks).
A prime candidate for Google-Earthing, perhaps?

Categories: bloggery, fieldwork, geology, links

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