Hurled from the sky

Since ancient times in China, special glass stones have been recognised. Called Lei-gong-mo, or “Ink sticks hurled from the sky by the thunder god” these are now known as tektites. These remarkable stones are found on the surface in a small number of areas (called strewn fields) around the world. There are various types of… Continue reading Hurled from the sky

Categorized as impacts

Sediments and shiny shoes

I’ve come across a most remarkable field area. I think I’m probably the first Geologist to study it. The samples are an extreme case of ‘float’ – they are very detached from bedrock. Exposure is excellent. Samples are nicely polished and form neat pavements, but blocks are never large and randomly arranged. Field work is… Continue reading Sediments and shiny shoes

Metamorphism: evolving ideas

‘Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ is such a lovely phrase. It was coined as a biological concept, and is now somewhat discredited. The idea was that as an organism develops as an embryo it passes through stages of growth corresponding to stages of its evolution as an species. My excuse for typing ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ (twice!) is… Continue reading Metamorphism: evolving ideas