Where on Google Earth #322

I got WoGE #321 rather quickly, so I feel a little guilty. Perhaps because I was actually trying to work at the time. But I saw @FelixBossert tweet about it, took a peek and instantly recognised it as a drumlin field from the British Isles. Spotting the bit of sea on the right hand side helped me narrow it… Continue reading Where on Google Earth #322

Metamorphism: open or closed?

Thermobarometry is the art of inferring Pressure and Temperature conditions by relating the composition of a metamorphic rock to a thermodynamic model, assuming chemical equilibrium was achieved. That’s the single sentence summary, but as usual, things are more complicated if you look in more detail. I’ve discussed elsewhere reasons why chemical equilibrium may not be… Continue reading Metamorphism: open or closed?

Labradorite: butterflies and poetry

Here’s my contribution to Ron Schott’s labradorite geomeme (inspired by Sandatlas’s Lunar Anorthosite). One place that labradorite is popular is in posh office-buildings. I work in such a place and I snuck down to the canteen restaurant and took a picture. No shoes for scale this time, as they serve food just out of shot. The Schiller effect… Continue reading Labradorite: butterflies and poetry

Tim Robinson: Geology and place

Tim Robinson is a celebrated author and visual artist whose intense engagement with the land beneath his feet is an inspiration to anyone who spends time in wild places. His work is inspired by the idea of ‘the good step’, of reintegrating body and world and achieving a state of consciousness ‘worthy of the ground… Continue reading Tim Robinson: Geology and place