Lovely Ladakhi landslides

Time for a post with an emphasis on photos. There’s more context here, but let’s get on with admiring the view. That’s me, standing in front of chorten (Tibetan Buddhist religious structure). The rather pretty cliffs are Tethyan sediments, now a long way from the sea. Note that the red layers are above the green,… Continue reading Lovely Ladakhi landslides

Building models about building mountains

How do mountains form? It’s just thrusts, right? Compression causes thrust faulting which piles up layers and layers of rock. This causes Barrovian metamorphism and makes mountains. Simple, no? No. Thrusting is important, of course, but as always real rocks are more complicated. For example, across the whole of the Himalayan chain, coincident with the highest… Continue reading Building models about building mountains

Geological pilgrimage – Assynt, Scotland

In Accretionary Wege #45 Denise Tang asked for “Geological Pilgrimage – the sacred geological place that you must visit at least once in your lifetime “. For me, and dare I say it for any British educated hard-rock geologist the answer has to the Assynt district, in Sutherland, Scotland. Denise asks for somewhere relatively remote… Continue reading Geological pilgrimage – Assynt, Scotland