#thinsectionThursday – what Twitter was made for

One of the great privileges of studying geology at university is spending time looking at thin sections. It may not feel like it at the time – learning to identify minerals down the microscope is hard work – but peering into the secrets of the earth is deeply satisfying, both intellectually and aesthetically. https://twitter.com/chrsphr/status/461928938584166401 For… Continue reading #thinsectionThursday – what Twitter was made for

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The Himalaya: mountains made from mountains

Good building stones get reused. Sometimes the only traces of very old buildings are their stones, built into more modern ones. It’s the same with rocks and mountain belts. Stone that now forms parts of the Himalaya was once part of a now-vanished mountain range. The Himalaya were formed by the collision between the Indian… Continue reading The Himalaya: mountains made from mountains