Metamorphism: open or closed?

Thermobarometry is the art of inferring Pressure and Temperature conditions by relating the composition of a metamorphic rock to a thermodynamic model, assuming chemical equilibrium was achieved. That’s the single sentence summary, but as usual, things are more complicated if you look in more detail. I’ve discussed elsewhere reasons why chemical equilibrium may not be… Continue reading Metamorphism: open or closed?

Metamorphism: evolving ideas

‘Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ is such a lovely phrase. It was coined as a biological concept, and is now somewhat discredited. The idea was that as an organism develops as an embryo it passes through stages of growth corresponding to stages of its evolution as an species. My excuse for typing ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ (twice!) is… Continue reading Metamorphism: evolving ideas

Thermobarometry: quantifying metamorphic conditions

Google the words metamorphism and etymology and  you’ll likely find a link to a 16th Century definition of metamorphism: “change of form or shape, especially by witchcraft”. Gneiss formation by spells is not a popular hypothesis these days, but many a student has been tempted to regard thermobarometry as a form of witchcraft. In my… Continue reading Thermobarometry: quantifying metamorphic conditions