Exciting extraterrestrial eclogites

Eclogites are beautiful rocks that on Earth are associated with the process of subduction – where pieces of crust sink into the deep mantle region. A recent paper by Makoto Kimura and 5 other Japanese authors, describes the first ever evidence of eclogitic rocks found beyond Earth, formed within an unusually large asteroid now found only… Continue reading Exciting extraterrestrial eclogites

A deeper look at the geology of diamonds

The geology of diamonds is fascinating in itself, but they also give insights into wider geological processes and history. Up until 1725, diamonds were only known from India. That all changed when Brazilians panning river sediments for gold, instead found diamonds. Recent studies of inclusions in Brazilian diamonds give insights into what was going on deep under… Continue reading A deeper look at the geology of diamonds

Cratons – old and strong

Cratons are pieces of continents that have been stable for a over a billion years. As earth’s plates drift along, mountains periodically rise and fall, plate boundaries appear and disappear. But cratons are like great-grandmothers at family gatherings, while younger crust moves excitedly around them, they sit quietly, occasionally remarking on how different things were when… Continue reading Cratons – old and strong